Coming Off Pristiq Cold Turkey But Onto Lovan (prozac)
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i have been on Pristiq for three years as a result of suffering from major depressive episodes since I was a child (i am thirty six now) . After two months of one of the most severe episodes of major depression my helpful gp has advised me to try to get onto prozac to see if this helps with the situation ( suicidal thoughts, hitting rock bottom, barely able to function) I am day two of no Pristiq and half a tablet of prozac and I am dizziness, headaches and general lethagy, I also feel emotionally rock bottom but hey, that is nothing new! i am terrified of never feeling better and that my whole life is falling apart. I am so scared the rest of my life is going to be defined by this mental illness that has plauged me for so long. If anyone can shed so light on how to get through this hell, I would really Be so grateful.
2 Replies
Hi Kara, I just read your post today. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I pray that things are better for you now. Hugs, Nancy
Hello, Kara! How are you feeling? I am so sorry about the problems that you're having.
The Pristiq likely should have been tapered down, while you tapered up on the Prozac/Lovan. Especially, since it is known to sometimes make things worse, before they get better. It usually happens about 2 to 3 weeks in to taking it.
You may want to ask your doctor about doing it that way, it would likely be a lot easier on you.
Side effects to it may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache and weight loss.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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