Coming Down.
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Hi all. If this is relevant, I'm 20, male, and I've been taking Vyvanse for my ADHD for about a year. It has been a godsend to my GPA, but I do encounter some negative side effects from it:

1. Diarrhea. This happens consistently, about 20-30 minutes after taking vyvanse, which is pretty much how long it takes for me to notice the neurological effects of the drug. I have never, in my life, been so good at bathroom reader sudoku. With that said, this is still a problem to me.

2. Lack of appetite. I pretty much have to stuff my face before taking vyvanse, because once it is in effect, my stomach might as well be vacuum-sealed for the subsequent 8+ hours. In this time, food never even crosses my mind, and I often simply /forget/ to eat.

3. Impotence. Yeah, yeah- let's get all the embarrassing stuff out of the way. Though vyvanse gives me a more uninhibited (dare I say, more confident) disposition, it also gives me a damned time when I'm trying to "spread the sheets". I don't want to have to compromise on which days I can work hard and which days I can /get/ hard. I'd prefer to address this problem without taking additional prescribed medications.

4. The goddamn "comedown". This, at times, can be my biggest problem with Vyvanse. This does not occur regularly, but when it does, I feel terrible. Specifically, I feel depressed and inertly negative. If I were to place this event, periodically, it would be around the first half-life of the drug (12-13 hours after taking it). It seems that this is more likely to happen when I take Vyvanse late. My sub-scientific theory is that it depends more on whether I'm in solitude when I come down rather than the time I come down.
-example. If I take it at 8a.m., I'm likely to be around friends at 8p.m., and I usually don't feel bad. If I take it at 3p.m., I'm likely to be alone in my room at 3a.m., listening to The Smiths, and contemplating my self-worth... which is conducive of this kind of behavior
*This is merely my observation.

Anyway, please, please. If anyone has any preventative or remedial advice for any of these problems (dietary, physical regiment, what-have-you), or even if you are having the same problems with this drug and would like to reassure me that these are, indeed, side effects of Vyvanse, I would greatly appreciate any correspondence. Thank you. =]

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I had all of the same problems.

1. Diarrhea- My problems got a tad better when I started eating healthier. It doesn't completely get rid of it, but it helps.

2.Lack of appetite- Eat a solid breakfast, foods that give you lasting energy. You miss lunch, but that should hold you over until dinner. Sometimes though, you just have to force feed yourself a sandwich.

3. Impotence- Have her give you oral to rise to the occasion, from that point you should be good. But other than that, all you can do is try to time it right so that the pill is starting to wear down (usually after 5-6 hours), and it shouldn't be a problem getting it up after that.

4.The Comedown- I learned a large part of mine was because I was feeling exhausted, which was caused by me not eating all day. Try to eat a small sandwich or something at lunch and it should help you feel better when it starts to wear off.
Also, just try to stay positive and relaxed.

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Yes, they all can be side effects of this medication, not everyone experiences them, but some do.

Learn more Vyvanse details here.

The best suggestion I can make is talking to your doctor about trying something else. A different drug, such as Adderall, may agree with you better than this one.

Learn more Adderall details here.

Does anyone else have any suggestions or ideas to add?

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