Combitic Global Caplet Pvt Ltd Is This Company Legit? And Has Anybody Used Their Product Before? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Is this company and their product good? I filled a prescription for some metronidazole and they're sugar coated and have no markings but the packaging looks correct? A little iffy about taking them.

90 Replies (5 Pages)

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I think the best bet is to find out which products from this company work for people and which ones don't. My experience with tinidazole (aka Tindamax) has been good. I wondered about it for a while, because all I noticed was the bitterness and not the metallic taste it's supposed to leave behind. Then I started getting a metallic taste when drinking water or tea. I'm treating Lyme disease, so it's a slow road, but after a few months I'm seeing consistent improvement - just as many Lyme patients before me have.

So it doesn't make sense to me to bash the company in general.

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It is legit. Their Viagra works.

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Re: Still Got Hair (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

hi,did the cobutas workes for you? i saw you talkin bout that

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Re: Ray (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

Have you received your lab results back from Temple University, yet?

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Re: One inch down (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

I just received the supply of their cephalexin and I just took my first 500 mg I have been very sick with pneumonia and bronchitis and cannot get rid of it these were my last lifeline as I have been to two different doctors more will be revealed I am replying to the person who just got their 500mg mine's the same thing unilexin 500

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See messages 66 and 54.

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Re: MO (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know if the fluconazole works from this company

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Has anyone used their Cipro? They are very different looking than what I am used to ..

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Re: Nervous (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Did you take the domtiper medication? Was it legit?

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I just rec'd Prednisone 20mg from Combitic Global and wanted to ask if they are in fact legitimate and if they are safe to take and are effective.

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Re: Sarah (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I have 720 pills and they come without a box in stacks of 5, each 10 pills; they have the following marking:

---date of mfg, date of expire, a ref DOMPERI and no
---the content of the pills; the website is not at all professional (on 2018-06-04 a few pages and links do not work); I took 6 * 3 pills. I am not ill, not sure it does something...(the "real in France", it is the same)
---warnings about need for prescription
---red and black characters; blue for date and internal ref domperidone

I will add comments if I am ill or something new (I can feel a little change in blood circulation with the original - it is slight).

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Hi, I have 150g of venlafaxine from combitic global caplet. They came without outer packaging. Does any one know if they are fake or a real ones? A bit apprehensive about taking them

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Re: Jmc (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jmc.

Could you tell me please if Combitic prednisone worked normally?

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Re: Gary (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Gary, I also ordered the arythromycyn. I have been taking for two days...not sure if they working. Did you ever get around to taking yours??

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I've been taking Global's version of flucanazole, an anti fungal med, for 5 days with no results. In the past I got only 2 pills to take of it prescribed from an american pharmacy and it worked and the rash totally cleared away. I would say the ones from Global are definitely fake!

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Re: Jmc (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

How do you want your doctor to treat your RA? Anything that's offered has devastating and long lasting effects.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello my name is shelli And I live in the United States and I’ve been ordering from this company for about three years and all the medicines have worked for me and my family so far as the antibiotics they worked that’s what we’ve used I couldn’t tell you on anything else but definitely the antibiotics work

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Re: Shelli (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

I’m scared to take what I ordered due to it looking differently from what I’ve taken in the USA

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Was wondering if this company is real or fake as well? Trying to recover from a uti that got reinfected. Filled a prescription for doxycycline 200 mg through canadamedex which seemed legit. Wound up with 3 blister pill packets with orange pills with no markings on them besides a 200 on one side and an X on the other. The product is called Com Doxynol. Can't find any info about the product anywhere except for a few pictures of it but no info or anything. Has anyone had doxycycline through this company?

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I tried two different meds from them neither worked and both times I had diarrhea for months after taking just 1 pill. They are a total scam co. and dangerous!

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