Collagenase Forums
Recently active Collagenase forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Collagenase and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.When referring to Santly Collagenase ointment what is meant by " and help to facilitate the spread of gas gangrene" ? "Collagenases are enzymes that break the peptide bonds in collagen. They assist in destroying extracellular structures in pathogenesis of bacteria such as Clostridium. They are an exotoxin (a virulence factor) and help to facilitate the spread of gas gangrene. " ## Hi Robert, Based on my research, I believe that "to facilitate the spread of gas gangrene" means that this product is intended to treat a Gas gangrene infection. The ointment must stop the spread of the infection and kill the bacteria. Gas gangrene is rare in the United States. The condition is most often caused by a bacteria called Clostridium perfringens. However, it also can be cause...
i think that it is local antibiotic ## Iruoxol contains the active ingredients Collagenase and Chloramphenicol, it is actually used as a wound debridement ointment. It helps to clean to wound and slough away dead skin in the event of necrosis. Common side effects may include: wound pain and a burning sensation. Are there any other questions or comments? ## How much post pain and burning is a hint that you may be allergic to this solution?
can i use this ointment for fongus on my hand ## This ointment is usually used to debride chronic skin ulcers and severe burns. That said, it is probably not the best choice to treat a fungal infection, as it is not an antifungal agent and it could make your skin very sensitive, so the fungus could spread and get worse. Have you consulted your doctor?