Colestipol Forums

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My doctor prescribed me Colestipol to help me with my diarrhea after my gallbladder surgery. I would like to know what it is for? ## Colestipol is generic for Colestid. It is used for high cholesterol, but is also used for people who have short term problems with diarrhea. Since it causes constipation in those who use it for lowering their cholesterol it has been used to help those with diarrhea. It is fairly new but seems to work well. Beware as it interacts with a whole list of other medications. ## It helps reduce the volume of stool produced, and how frequently you need to go from the diarrhea. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Colestipol as possibly including nausea, constipation, gas, and belching. Ref: Colestipol Information How long will you be taking it?

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What are the side effects while using Colestipol? ## Colestipol is an anion-exchange resin used to lower blood cholesterol levels. SIDE EFFECTS, that may go away during treatment, include constipation, gas, nausea, or heartburn. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. ## To add some more specifics, it is a bile acid sequestrant, it actually binds the bile acids in your body, to turn them into a substance that is then eliminated as waste. It is most commonly used to help lower LDL cholesterol. Typical side effects may include nausea, gas, and constipation. Ref: Colestipol Information Are you experiencing any symptoms from taking it?

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found outside a large oblong yellowish pill with a G on one side and the number 450 on the other side wondering what this is/ As I have children and would like to find if belongs to any of our neighbor's ## From what I've found, this is a 1gram Colestipol tablet, it is a bile acid sequestrant that's used to help lower cholesterol. Learn more Colestipol details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Large off white oval pill one side says G tha other side has 450 stamped on it ## This tablet contains 1g of Colestipol, which is used to prevent the absorption of Bile salts. Common side effects may include: bloating, constipation, heartburn and stomach pain. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?

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