Cold And Getting Colder With Levothyroxine (Top voted first)


I have been taking Levothyroxine 50 mcg for years. Recently, I am noticing an increase in my cold temperature intolerance. Basically, I'm freezing all the time not mater what the weather or season.

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Hello, Marme! How are you?

When was the last time your hormone levels were checked via blood word? That is a symptom that can be associated with thyroid issues, so your current dosage may not be adequately handling the problem, anymore.

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I have Hypothyroidism and I am on 112 mcg and as of 2/14/2014 I found out that Synthroid can have the following side effects. It can raise your blood pressure, you can have mood swings, you can experience being cold all the time. I have contacted a endo within my area for a appointment to discuss my options but I AM NOT GOING to be taking this medication any longer. I am having more side effects than I should be. I am not able to sleep, I am not able to lose weight, not able to eat, Migraines, mood swings, I am cold all the time, my blood pressure is out of control. My TSH level shows it is normal but they need to not only be testing TSH buit T4 and T3 levels as well.

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