Cold Turkey 200mg? Day 3...
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I ran out of prescription, can't get to my doc to get a new one and have no tablets left = Cold Turkey on the Pristiq I was hoping to come off soon anyway. I know about the brain zaps, nausea and other weirdness, but was wondering if I am possibly doing myself any other damage?
3 Replies
How are you doing now, Lily?
I hope all is well and you're starting to feel a bit better.
That is a very high dosage to stop abruptly and such symptoms are to be expected, when you do that.
The main danger would be the risk of seizures, since this medication works on brain chemicals.
However, the other withdrawal and rebound effects may linger for a month or more, slowly tapering off in severity, before your body readjusts to being without the medication.
You can learn more Pristiq details here.
Have you been able to consult your doctor, yet?
More fyi.
This is awful :(
Crazy night sweats are the least disruptive. I feel like my brain is resetting itself mid thought, but I still have that seventh sense of mindsight, watching it happen, so it's helping me not freak out that my brain us breaking. Help? Any thoughts on this? Please tell me if I'm breaking my head.
FYI - I was on the 200mg for about 6 or 7 months, and on Pristiq for over 18 months all up. Feeling pretty shaky right now...
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