Cocaine And Marijuana Hair Follicle Drug Test Results (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I took a hair follicle drug test and 1200 was the level for cocaine and marijuana. Can they determine how long ago the drug was used?

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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I would say that will never show up on a hair drug test. Also you might want to be careful because the heroin gangs are lacing cocaine with Fentanyl, which can kill on just the first use.

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I failed a hair follicle for marijuana by .5 i know that is low but how low does it need to be to pass a test

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readytopass, It all depends on what the confirmation cutoff level is of the lab that was doing the testing. The lab I partner with has a .10 pg/mg GC/MS confirmation cutoff level.

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Post a question earlier this week, when will I get an answer.

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CarboxyTHC positive MS 3.8 PG/ 10 MG.
Is this light use, medium, heavy...? Help!!!!

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Re: FunnyMonkey (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

For THC, and just THC, the positive number does not correlate to the amount used, like medium or heavy use. When I send out results if the THC is positive I put "Qualitative- amount does not correlate to usage"

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I've been clean from cocaine for 1 month but I messed up and took 2 small doses 3 days ago. Will I come out to be positive for my hair follicle in 4 days?

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Re: Shanni (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line, will go back 90 days. If you only have been clean for 1 month and the test goes back 3 months than most likely you are going to be positive on a hair test. The "2 small doses 3 days ago" aren't going to make a difference because it take the hair about 5-10 days to grow above the scalp so it can be cut for a hair test.

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Hey guys, need some help to put my mind at ease...

I last dosed on June 21st and before that I was a heavily dosing during my twenties and since January 2017 I was only dosing occasionally. I had a hair test on the 23rd of October for an oil company, so around 4 months since I stopped and they took around 2 inches of hair.

On the 28th of July I shaved my head to 3/8inch.

Will I test negative?

Please help.

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Re: TheHairTestingGuy (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Hair guy. My husband just took a hair follicle test and it came back positive for THC at .19. The cut off was .10. Is this a very minuscule amount? He hardly smoked prior to completely quitting and it's been a couple of months we think. How much over is that and how long do you think it will take to test negative?

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Re: Zac (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, I might be getting tested this week for hair. They usually only look for marijuana because thats what started all of it. I haven't smoked in over 90 days, but did taste a minimal amount of coke too. Just enough to numb my gum and I'm wondering if it could show up? What do I do to get my hair clean if so?

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