Cocaine False Urine Test (Top voted first)


i have came up positive for cocaine in my.drug.test
i don't use all i was on amoxicillon for a kidney infection I'm not.going to to get this job the doctor that results won't.listen to me.and.thinks I'm on cocaine please can me.out

4 Replies

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Some antibiotics can cause false positives, but what type of test was it? Was it a urine test?

Learn more drug test details here.

Did you try requesting an actual lab test, like a blood test?

Unfortunately, since this was for a job, they really aren't required to listen to you and do any further testing, they are allowed to just move on to the next candidate.

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please i need help soon about amoxicillin
make you positive for cocaine

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Need information on what type of meds that can make my drug test positive for cocaine, never used cocaine and my doctor discharged me because they said my toxicolgy report came back positive for cocaine, and I dont do cocaine, they claim they cant redo my test however I dont want that on my records at all, please help!

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can anyone please tell me.were i can get real
info on amoxicillin make your pee test come.back
positive for cocaine i have been looking. everywhere
and can't seam to fine a.web site.i failed my drug.test
for cocaine and.never touched it.before I'm tossing my.job over.this and all i can think about is the amoxicillin i took for my.kidney infection please if anyone can help me prove my case cause i don't now anywhere to get this help

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