Co Aleva Ebastine Betamethasone


co aleva ebastine betamethasone

9 Replies

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Co-Aleva contains 10mgs of Ebatsine and 500mcgs of Betamethasone, it is used as antihistamine, mainly to treat allergies.

Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain.

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very informative, clear and consise, comporehensive. Congratulations!

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what's the dosage for elderly and how long normally?

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Is co-aleva treatment for asthma?

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My doctor also prescribed co-aleva to treat my recurring facial and neck allergies. 2 tabs / day for one week and one tab per day for one 21 tabs.

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Yes this one I'm looking for do I have to ask my dr. To priscrive me cuz this medicine is working for me I take it only when I'm attack by my allergies rhinitis I need help your help where I can get it I have to order this in the Philippines where my dr. Prescribed me?

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My husband was diagnosed with acute laryngitis and his doctor prescribed this medicine twice a day for 1 wk. Is this medicine appropriate for laryngitis?

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Re: Jade (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

According to wikipedia, the usual causes of Laryngitis are either viral, trauma-related, or bacterial.

Ebastine being an antihistamine, is used for allergies.

Betamethasone is a steroid with a wide variety of possible uses, albeit none are specifically related to treating viral or bacterial infections.

Therefore, without knowing the cause of your husband's Laryngitis, treatment with Co Aleva is speculative at best in my opinion.

Nevertheless, I'm still curious to find out whether or not it helped him overcome this? Please post back if you have any updates on his situation.

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Re: Jade (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Was twice a day sufficient for laryngitis patients

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