Co Diovan - Micro Strokes (Top voted first)


I have ben taking Co Diovan for HBP for a year and a week ago was admited to the ICU for a ministroke and blood pressure over 200. Is it possible that Co Diovan (not on other medications) is responsible for this?

2 Replies

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Co-Diovan contains the active ingredients Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide and is commonly used to help lower high blood pressure.

As to what you experienced, with a BP reading of over 200, it is more than likely that your blood pressure being so high is what is responsible and not likely the medication.

Mini strokes and full blown strokes are just some of the hazards associated with ones blood pressure being out of control and high.

It's possible that after a year of using the medication, your body had adjusted to it and it is no longer working as well to control your blood pressure.

You probably need to try a different medication or a higher dosage to get it back under control. What has your doctor advised?



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Thanks for the info but am already on 5 diffferent things for blood pressure. Will just have to persevere with them and see what happens.

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