Clonazepam And Focalin (Top voted first)


I need to know what drug I can take for my adhd along with my Clonazepam? I was disapproved for vyvanse 40, but what about focalin?

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I am a hypo manic depressive. I take lithium carbonate 900mg and 1mg 2x a day of klonopin . I've taken adderal but my psychiatrist will not give it to me if I want to continue my klonopin. I'd like to try focalin but I need to find out if the lithum and klonopin are compatible with focalin. Help?

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The main issue here is that both the Focalin and the Clonazepam treats opposite issues, one is a sedative, while the other is an upper, the same is going to be true of any other such medication that you try to add with the Clonazepam. I know this isn't usually a listed interaction, or warning, but since treating one condition can aggravate the other, most doctors will be reluctant to prescribe both.

What other options has your doctor offered? Have you been definitively diagnosed with ADHD?

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