Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Page 3)
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I recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.

267 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: Kita (# 225) Expand Referenced Message

It's a supplier and your drugstore can order it. If they will. I had luck with an independent pharmacy ordering it.

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Re: kathy (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

Accord is what I take.

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Re: kathy (# 224) Expand Referenced Message

Whats HK pharmacy? I am not sure we have this one where I live.
Thanks a lot.

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Re: Kita (# 220) Expand Referenced Message

See if you can find a compounding pharmacy. They usually will take the time to order it for you. HK pharmacy has the pills, its just not a drug company that chain stores use.

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Re: Kita (# 220) Expand Referenced Message

Do you take brand or accord?

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Re: kathy (# 221) Expand Referenced Message

I can only tolerate accord

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Re: Kita (# 207) Expand Referenced Message

I have not tried the new pill, however I came to find out Costco has the accord brand 2 ml strength. And amazon has the brand name, and you can either bill your insurance or pay cash.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 215) Expand Referenced Message

I still don’t find it. All pharmacies I have called say they don’t have it.

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Re: Kone (# 212) Expand Referenced Message

How did you guys find these small pharmacies who seem so willing to help?

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 215) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know if any pharmacy is able to place an order for the 0.5mg strength? I am trying to find a pharmacy but the only answer I get is they don’t have it.

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Re: kathy eldridge (# 214) Expand Referenced Message

Not a chain. Small mom and pop pharmacy. They said they often get people that are needing a specific brand. They are usually willing to go the extra mile for you. Large chain told me they could not keep a bottle just for me back last spring when it was in short supply. The mom and pop was willing to do that. They value their customers more than large chains.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 215) Expand Referenced Message

I finally had to go to name brand Klonopine because nothing was working. My insurance finally agreed to cover it. I need it and have been on for panic attacks for over 20 years. Teva put me kin withdrawal and Socalo too. I’m just glad to have my life back. This is great news and I’ll call around. Thank you

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Re: kathy eldridge (# 214) Expand Referenced Message

Mine is a local mom and pop shop. But it is available to any pharmacy right know. It’s not being manufactured yet but they are releasing their inventory from storage. Not sure if big chains are acquiring it yet but if you find a mom and pop and ask them to get that brand for you jt is available and they will help. I know a lot of people who have done this. Good luck.

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Re: Kone (# 212) Expand Referenced Message

what was the name of the pharmacy, was it a chain

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Re: Kone (# 212) Expand Referenced Message

Awesome news!!! I have well over a year’s worth at home right now since I’m cutting them up as I taper. Thankfully my pharmacy was about to buy me a few bottles. So after a few more refills I’ll have enough to finish my slow taper. I’m down to .130mg right now and really struggling. These tapers are brutal but the medicine doesn’t seem to be helping much anymore so it is necessary to keep going. Just glad I have Accord to do it with. Best of luck to you and so glad you found some.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 208) Expand Referenced Message

Just letting you know my pharmacy was able to get Accord for me again. They ordered 2 one hundred count bottles and are keeping them just for me in the pharmacy with my name on, in case they become in short supply again. Thanks for the suggestion back in summer to look for a small pharmacy. They had kept a higher dose for me that I could quarter. Now then can get the .5 dose again, which I can also split. Worth the 15 minute drive to another town.

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 210) Expand Referenced Message

No, i have supply but wanted to make sure I have plenty for the taper also. It is good you found a nice doctor that is listening to you and letting you drive the process. You seem to be further away than last time we spoke and doing much better !

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Re: Kita (# 209) Expand Referenced Message

So have you just stopped taking it? My doctor is just refilling my script while I taper slowly. She’s just listening and kind of letting me guide the process as long as I go down which I am. I’m down to .136mg

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Re: mikeyjoed (# 208) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor appointment is not until end of February. And I am not sure the doctors wants to give me more medication. You must have a very caring doctor. Despite my health issues, it is been a struggle to convince the doctor what it is the best for me…I might need to switch doctors.

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Re: Kita (# 207) Expand Referenced Message

Hey yes I’ve been on it since August. They are not producing it in their factory yet, they are just distributing existing supply that they have stored in warehouses abroad, and in the United States. They have to test each batch that was already produced before they can release it. They will eventually start making it again I was told, but as of now this is just stuff that was made in the last year or two, but they are releasing so it’s exactly the same. Hopefully I will be off this medicine well before that happens, but who knows. How about yourself? Have you found any yet?

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