Clobetasol Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Clobetasol forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Clobetasol and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Have severe burnt lips for over two weeks from tropical sun. Can I use this ointment for the lip (.05) ? ## Hi Don, Sorry to hear about what happen to your lips. Regarding the Clobetasol propionate ointment, this is a corticosteroid used to treat severe inflammatory skin conditions as well as various skin disorders, ranging from eczema to psoriasis. While it's not intended to be a cure for the condition on your lip, it may help alleviate much of the symptoms associated with a flare-up of pain or discomfort by reducing inflammation, itching and redness. You can also learn more about this drug on the page for Clobetasol Details Hopefully being in the setting of a lush tropical environment was totally worth it in the long run ;) ## hi sir i got eczema on my hands and face ,i consulted ...
Hi I have pimples and black scars I already have eaten so many medicines some one suggest me can I use clobetasol salicylic acid ointment ## Yes, it is often used to help treat acne, but you should only use it if your doctor has instructed you to do so, because in some instances the Clobetasol can actually cause acne, or make it worse. The NIH lists its other typical side effects as possibly including skin redness, irritation, dryness, and flaking. Is there anything else I can help with?
My dogs have had bad itchy red spots with hair loss. They have been going crazy. After all I tried I put some clobetasol on my dogs and everything has gone away after all. Is it safe for them if used properly. ## Hi Junebug, Glad to hear that your dogs are doing better. From what I've researched online, veterinarians do commonly prescribe clobetasol to dogs. So my opinion is that they should be fine. However I'd probably be a little reluctant to administer it myself until receiving specific dosing instructions directly from a vet, who can ideally make the most informed decision when it comes to various treatment options that are available (some perhaps safer than others in terms of possible side effects). Hope this helps! ## HOW MUCH DO YOU PUT ON THEM AT A TIMEOF THE CLOBETASOL...
I was prescribed clobetasol propionate 0.05% for severe chronic inflammation on my genitals and vagina, now my mouth lips are burning and can I use this cream there? ## Many questions like this get posted, so I'd like to clarify the answer for anyone else seeking similar information… If a medication was prescribed to treat one thing and/or to be used on a specific area of the body, you should not try to use it to treat something else or a different area, unless your doctor specifically instructs you to do so. While such a medication as this may be safe on the vagina and genital area, it may not be safe to use on your face, or lips, which also adds the risk of ingesting some of it and that could be very dangerous. Please don't try to self-diagnose and don't ...
can i use it to remove warts ## Clonate-F contains the active ingredient Clobetasol, which is a steroid class medication and it is often used in topical creams such as this to treat various skin disorders. It has not, however, been proven effective for any type of wart removal. Learn more Clonate-F details here. What type of warts are you trying to treat? ## Can i use clonate - f cream on itching problem nd on stretch marks ## can i use clonate h and h with emoderm cream? I suffer from psorisis. ## Can clionate f be used for ring worms. As I gave been having this by my private part no idea how I got this.
Is hydrocortisone or Cortisone 10 better than clobetesol because I'm getting bruises on the arm affected. When I use a bit of clobetesol on my leg and stomach the same thing happens; bruises. Is there something wrong with me? ## Hello, Cheryl! HOw are you? That can be a normal side effect, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience skin redness, dryness, irritation, and scaling. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is anything wrong with you, you are most likely experience a normal side effects. However, if you're concerned, you should have it checked out by your medical provider, especially before trying something else. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Is bruising reversible when on clobetesol. What causes the bruising? I have been on clobetsol for 3 yrs. I...
how should i apply clobetasol propotionate and salicyclic acid lotion on my scalp or hair ? i would also like to know after how much time i need to wash my hair after applying the same ## Dear Nav, just follow the directions. If u still have questions, u can ask your Dr or pharmacist. They will know. GOOD lUCK! ## how should i apply clobetasol propotionate and salicyclic acid lotion on my scalp or hair ? i would also like to know after how much time i need to wash my hair after applying the same
can clobetasol propionate cream be used for scars and age spots ## Hello, Stephani! How are you? Clobetasol is classified by the FDA as a corticosteroid, so no, it shouldn't be used for anything, unless your doctor has prescribed it to treat that. In some cases, it could actually worsen some skin conditions, rather than helping them. Its typical side effects are listed as possibly including skin burning, itching, acne and redness. Is there anything else I can help with?
I need to know the price for Clobex shampoo and lotion 0.05% ## Hello, Dottie! How are you? I'm sorry, but this website does not manufacture, prescribe, nor sell any medications or products. It is an information only website, so I do not have a price to quote you. Have you checked with your local pharmacies? This is a type of steroid and may cause side effects, such as irritation, itching, skin atrophy and folliculitis.
Hi Sir / Madam, I am Praveen from India - Tamil nadu - Chennai, i have problem facing more past 5 years in my head (scalp). No more treatment can helps me out from this scalp psoriasis. But i am using this medication.As per doctor advise (Clobetasol Propionate & salicylic acid Lotion). & (saliblu shampoo) past one month now i am feel some better. Pls. suggest me for further treatment. If shall i continue on this or shall i stop.
UpdatedI have been prescribed to apply Propysalic NF lotion on my head but I want to know, do I have to apply it on my scalp or my hairs? ## This contains the active ingredients Clobetasol and Salicylic Acid. And it would be applied to your scalp, since it is supposed to help with the skin. ## do we apply it with oil daily or in night before washing hair in morning. ## My doc prescribed me clobetasol propionate & salicylic acid lotion. Can I use it along with oil to apply on scalp. Also, can i use it for dark spots on face under eyes.
Can I get information on Propysalic NF, it is a lotion? ## It contains Clobetasol and Salicylic Acid, it is topical and used to treat various dermatoses. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## currently i am using PROPYSALIC-NF lotion in my both hand it is correct oniment or wrong our skin specilities doctor advice to me when i am using this lotion my skin is clear white colour come please advice me again i have consult to doctor or continue the same lotion ## am having dark spots on my face and also on my body, that means after the pimple,the spots are getting darkend and a black mark is spotted, its happening contineously.can any onesuggest me any tonic for this black marks to demolish ## hello sir iam facing a problem on my face, on left side of my face got some skin problem,...
For the past six months,i have been using hair4u lotion and tricomax ag but my hair fall is getting worse.i thought it was the initial shedding but hair fall is not getting stopped and the scalp is getting more visible...can u please help me out?when will the hair fall stop? ## What's causing your hair loss? Determining that would be what would enable anyone to provide advice or ideas that might help you. Learn more alopecia details here. Are you taking any medications that may be causing it? ## HI... I m in New Zealand. Can i buy the product online which will delivered to my NZ address. ## Hi, I am 25 years old and last year I went under alot of stress of having to be a foster mother to my own baby sister and my boyfriend leaving me with 2 little children and my own baby sister. I ...
free coupons ## my son is in wrestling and has ringworm in back of his neck. can i apply this medicine on his neck? (Clobetasol Propionate Cream USP, 0.05%) ## I'm sorry, but this website does not manufacture nor sell any medications, so they are unable to help with medication coupons. There are some companies that have them available for name brand, life-sustaining medications, but as I said those would be through the manufacturer. As to Mom's question, Clobetasol is a steroid class medication, so no it will not treat the fungal infection that causes ringworm. That will require an antifungal topical ointment, so anyone with such an issue will need to see their doctor for an appropriate prescription. Learn more Clobetasol details here. Is there anything I can help with?
Will my old bottle of Clobetasol Propionate (liquid) still work if the expiration date is June 2011? ## A lot of information I'm finding states that you should discard this medication after the expiration date, but according to a Harvard Medical School family health article, except in rare cases (i.e. tetracycline), there is little chance of danger due to taking medications even up to 15 years beyond their expiration date. This conclusion was based upon a study conducted at the request of the US military due to stockpiles of expensive drugs they could otherwise need to replace every few years. The conclusion was that 90% of those drugs remained effective 10 - 15 years after the expiration date. I don't know whether or not the drug you have happens to be one of these drugs from t...
side effects of clonate cream ## Clonate Cream contains the active ingredient Clobetasol Propionate, which is a corticosteroid that's commonly used to treat various skin disorders. Since it's used topically, the side effects are usually minimal, but can include skin irritation, a burning sensation and skin dryness. Learn more Clonate Cream details here. What are you using it to treat?
hi my name is manpreet and i m using lobate from 2 years which is really good but unfortunately i m in melbourne now so i cant buy it anywhere in melbourne.Can someone plz help me out where to buy on. i m a big fan of this ointment ## I'm not sure where you can buy it or if it's available at all there. However, I can tell you what it contains, so you can check with a pharmacist/chemist and see if there is an equivalent available. The active ingredients in Lobtae-GM are listed as being Clobetasol, Gentamicin and Miconazole. Learn more Clobetasol details here. Learn more Gentamicin details here. Learn more Miconazole details here. Does anyone know if there's an equivalent available there?
When buying Clobetasol Propionate , do I need to present doctors prescription? ## Hi Sotera, Clobetasol Propionate Cream and Ointment is available by prescription-only; at least here in the US, so you will need a doctor's verification. Read More: I hope this helps!
hello hi hace dark black marks on my hands and legs ... can i used PROPYGENTA-NF cream to get rid of them ## Have you discussed it with your doctor? This ointment contains the active ingredient Clobetasol, which is a steroid class medication, thus it's not likely to do much for scars and dark marks, plus there can be some serious risks associated with its use. Learn more:
Whenever i get sweat, I am getting getting itchy sensation all over my thighs and lower legs. when i start scratching, the parts of that portion becomes red. The doctors prescribed Clonate Oint.. it worked initially, but now it is not working now. pls suggest a proper ointment/medicine for this ## I have been using this medicine from last 15 days for sunburn as prescribed by Doctor but it is spreading to other regions . I need a permanent solution ## I have been using clonate clobetasol ointment from last 15 days for sunburn as prescribed by Doctor but it is spreading to other regions . I need a permanent solution ## Using clonate f since 5 months, wound has reduced, but taking time to heal