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I'm 35 weeks pregnant and getting panic and anxiety attacks. Is it safe to use Urbanol 10mg during my pregnancy? ## Based on my research, Urbanol (Clobazam) has been assigned to pregnancy category C by the FDA. Apparently available animal data suggests a developmental toxicity, including long-term effects on neurobehavioral and immunological function, and an increased incidence of fetal abnormalities following oral administration of Clobazam to pregnant animals at doses similar to those used clinically in humans. Although there is no controlled data in human pregnancy, the data for Clobazam does show an increased risk of adverse effects, including: Neonatal flaccidity, respiratory and feeding difficulties, hypothermia, and a host of other withdrawal symptoms that have been reported ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedMy son is taking serdep (antidepressant) and urbanol (anticonvulsant)- What should I be concerned about in regards to side effects and what other solutions besides medication is there? ## The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. The Urbanol also carries the risk of being habit forming. Counseling might help, but medications are usually used for a while, to keep things under control, until the counseling helps. What condition is being treated? ## Good evening. My 56 year old mother has been on Serdep and Urbanol for littlw over a month, due to depression and signs of dementia. She has no appetite, she is complaining of headaches daily and she experiences days where she is nauseous. She is also complaining of a scratching ...
3 REPLIES UpdatedI have been taking Cilift and Purata for some time now and it worked till recently when I started feeling down and depressed again. My Dr changed Cilift for Urbanol and I still take Purata, is this right. Whilst going thru the change, I experienced electric like shocks when I moved my eyes, this is now gone, but now I regularly get an overwhelming feeling of no energy, tiredness and feel totally drained. Could this be a side effect from the Urbanol ? I am under the impression that Urbanol is an anti-depressant and Purata is an anxiety pill ? Have I got it all wrong ? ## Hi. I have been using urbanol as prescribed by the docter for anxiety. Problem is it's done, and I have not been using it for about two weeks. Since I stopped taking it I've been experiencing severe headaches, fe...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am pre-menopausal and get a bit irritable at times. My doctor prescribed half a tablet twice a day. Is this the right medication? I read an article about Clodazam (main ingredient for Urbanol) which doesn't sound all that good. ## Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor? Urbanol does contain Clobazam, which is a Benzodiazepine derivative, they are most commonly used to treat anxiety, but they can be habit forming. They may also cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness and irritability. Learn more: ## I know this is wrong... but my friend used it and he once gave me one cause I was crying the whole day. (My grandfather died) and it helped. Not sure how, but now whenever I feel upset I just drink one, sometimes two. Is this bad?? ## Urbanol with Nootropics ?...
7 REPLIES UpdatedI have been taking Urbanol 10mg and Allergex (not sure of the mg) one tablet of each medication twise a day. I often feel like i am just going to drift off to sleep and have done so a few times whilst at work. I also do have trouble falling asleep at night but i have found it much easier to fall asleep after i have taken my medication. ## HI, Carla! How are you doing? The culprit is most likely the Urbanol, because it contains the active ingredient Clobazam, which is a benzodiazepine derivative. This class of medications is well known to cause drowsiness and they have actually been used as sleep aids for some people that were resistant to other therapies. It also has the potential to be habit forming. Learn more Urbanol details here. You should talk to your doctor about it, it may be ne...
3 REPLIES UpdatedHi there, I was on tripelene for a couple of years then went off it trying to seek a natural way to help with my anxiety and to sleep. But the natural meds never helped then my Dr prescribed 10x xanor which helped then he gave me another 10 x xanor and when I asked for more he said I can not use it for a long period, so he prescribed urbanol, well I can't sleep. And it's been my third night now that I have taken it. Please help. ## Urbanol is listed as containing Clobazam, it is a benzodiazepine class medication. The U.S. FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and mood changes. What dosage are you taking? It could be that you need a higher dosage in order to help you. ...
1 REPLY UpdatedHi Guys, I've started on Lexamil and Urbanol and noticed a spike in my heart rate. I normally get an average of 100 - 120 and max of 160bpm in my cycling workouts but now see I've jumped to a max 240bpm and average of 190pbm this week. Im 38, 86kg , and rather fit. Please advise if these meds could be the reason? Thank you ## If you experience an accelerated heart rate, while taking the Escitalopram in the Lexamil, you should speak to your doctor, as that could be due to a dangerous reaction to the medication, and you might need to try something else. Typical side effects usually include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedWhite Round Pill Given For Panic Attacks ## Urbanol 10 mg Tablets - My Wife Has Been Given These Tablets For Panic Attacks ## I Want To Know If She Has To Take Tablets With Or Without Food ## Urbanol contains the active ingredient Clobazam, it is a Benzodiazepine derivative that is used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Whether or not she takes it with food should really depend on how it affects her. Some people do experience nausea when they take it, so they may wish to take it with a meal, to help avoid this. Other side effects can include: drowsiness, headache and irritability. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## Would you be so kind to offer me drug URBANOL 10mg. Do you have some supplier in Serbia or some countries EX YU? Please contact me on mail or phone no. ...
35 REPLIES UpdatedHow long does it take to get off urbanol completely without withdrawal symptoms? When will my body be over the withdrawal symptoms? I stopped 3 days ago and I am experiencing a buzzing headache and irritability, where I feel as if I am getting a seizure! ## Hello Johanna, According to the NIH the half life cycle for adults is between 36 and 42 hours. In addition there is also a metabolite left behind that has a half-life of up to 82 hours. Your withdrawal timeline is going to be unique but the generally accepted timeline is that acute withdrawals last for 3-6 days in the beginning and then the symptoms will seem to get better suddenly. Then towards the end of the withdrawals you will experience another spike of acute withdrawals for another 3-6 days. the middle of these spikes can be an...
1 REPLY UpdatedUrbanol makes me sleep well and I tend to oversleep. I also feel some dizziness when I wake up. I wish that this med would not make me lazy and fat, as I am a busy woman at my home. I pray it will be beneficial to my health. Please advise. ## All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, along with the ones you have already described, the NIH warns that this one carries the risk of being habit forming, as well as nausea, headache, and irritability. Are you on any other medications? How much weight have you gained? How old are you? What has your doctor advised?
1 REPLY UpdatedFound small white pills with APO on one side and CLO 10 on the other side what are they ## This medication is listed by Apotex Canada as containing 10mgs of Clobazam, which the U.S. FDA classifies as a benzodiazepine. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY Updatedmy son is 1&half year old .hez on lobazam 5 tablet.hez is sleepy n drowzy . iwant to know whether it has any side affects. ## Why is he on this, at such a young age? Lobazam contains the active ingredient Clobazam, which is a Benzodiazepine derivative used to treat anxiety and convulsions. And yes, it can cause those side effects, especially in such a young child. Have you consulted his doctor? If he is taking it for Convulsions, there are other, much safer options on the market. Learn more: ## my daughter is 5 years old. She frequently has cold and cough and as a result she gets fever. A month & A half back she suddenly had fever,and within an hour the fever rose to103*. I gave her 5ml IBUGESIC PLUS, but then she had convulsions. immediately she was admitted within 20 mins and ...
4 REPLIES UpdatedI am a nurse working with children with complex needs. the children are prescribed a number of medications one of which is Clobazam. I am trying to put together an information back around the medications we regularly dispence. ## Hello, Minnie! How are you? I'm not sure what your expiration date regulations are there, but shelf-life is usually one year from the date of dispensing, if they are in a pharmacy bottle and 4 to 5 years if still in the original factory sealed bottle. This medication is most commonly used to prevent seizures. The U.S. FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY Updatedmy disabled 21 year old son has severe epilepsy and takes eplim and lamatrogin has has just been put on 5 mls of clobazam once a day to try and get his fits under control. he has only had one dose last night but today he has been very angry and upset with him self would it be too soon to be the effects of this new drug? I'm scared to give it to him again tonight in case it makes him worse…. ## Hello, Shell! How is your son? No, this medication can work very fast, so yes, it could be due to it. The FDA warns that it is a benzodiazepine that carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. It may not be the right medication for him to take. It would be best to speak to his doctor as he may need to try som...
1 REPLY UpdatedMy mother is suffering for epilepsy. She has been admitted to the hospital 8times for last 1 and 1/2 years. Doctor prescribed her Lobazam 5 and Levipil 500. Now she is feeling drowsy and some time she has lost her balance. If it is a side effect of the medicine, then what should be our course of action? ## Clobazam is a Benzodiazepine derivative and yes, it can cause some dizziness and drowsiness, as a side effect. Levipil contains Levetiracetam, it is an anticonvulsant and it can cause the same types of side effects. So, the two together could even be compounding the problem. How long has she been taking them? The side effects should start to taper off and improve, as her body gets used to the medications, but it can take about 4 to 6 weeks. ## Thanks for the valuable feedback. She has...
12 REPLIES UpdatedCan Urbanol be used as a sleeping tablet? ## Hello, Jade! How are you? Urbanol contains the active ingredient Clobazam, which is a benzodiazepine derivative and yes, they are sometimes used to treat sleep issues, since they can cause drowsiness and sedation as side effects. This medication may also be habit forming and could cause additional side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more Clobazam details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi. I am currently using the Urbanol 10mg, and Lexamil 5mg. I have just started on both meds, and I am only drinking half of my lexamil. I still have trouble sleeping, and I have these terrible anxiety attacks when I wake up in the middle of the night and in the morning. My Dr prescribed me a sleeping pill ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI went to see my Doctor (GP) yesterday because i have been suffering from Seizure type episodes. I find i have these episodes when i am very stressed and very tired. Has happened during the day and at night time. I have read up on Urr=banol, he has prescribed Urbanol 5mg Twice a day for a month and then i will be re-evaluated, i have noted it can be used for Anxiety as well as for seizures so i am unsure why he has prescribed this to me, my doctor is as old as the hills and i really dont have the patience to try and get the info out of him. What could be the reason i have been prescribed Urbanol? Seizures or the stress/anxiety? ## Perhaps he prescribed it for both. I can't answer for your doctor, of course, but it would make sense. If someone is dealing with both issues and there is...
2 REPLIES UpdatedGood day I am 6 weeks pregnant and my gynea and pshyciatrist said its fine to use urbanol and venlor.. Please I need more confirmation. Thank you ## Urbanol contains the active ingredient Clobazam, it is commonly used to treat anxiety and seizures. It can be used during pregnancy, but you should be monitored regularly by your doctor. Learn more Clobazam details here. Venlor contains the active ingredient Venlafaxine, which is an SNRI antidepressant. This one does have some concerns when used during pregnancy, because it may increase the risk of miscarriage. Learn more Venlor details here. Thus, you may want to discuss taking it in further detail with your doctors. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you so much. I took x2 5 mg urbanol when I was 5 weeks pregnant and on the ...
4 REPLIES Updatedhi. i m 29 year old. i also taken lobazam 1 lazt two years. so plaese suggest that any side effect and others ## This contains the active ingredient Clobazam, which is a benzodiazepine derivative that's commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more Lobazam details here. This medication has the potential to be habit forming and it can be dangerous to abruptly stop taking it after being on it for a long period of time, due to the risk of seizures. Are there any other questions or comments?
1 REPLY UpdatedI have asked previously about what I found on daughters dresser hiden. Canadian small white round pill with CLO10 and scored and APO on the other. Please help ## found smal pillin my car kids may have had it, what type of pill is it? and what is it used for, small pill with apo on one side and 10. ## CLO10 APO This pill contains 10mgs of Clobazam, a generic for Frisium. This is an anticonvulsant medication. ## For the APO 10, could you please post back witht he color and shape of the tablet? ## found smal pillin my car kids may have had it, what type of pill is it? ## what does this pill?
5 REPLIES Updated