Ciprofoxacin Is Still On The Market?!!!!!
UpdatedI just realized cpro triggered my leg/hand muscle weekness, peripheal neuroapthy last June 2010. I was hospitalized, doctors never put 2 and 2 together, said I had Atoxia. They new I was treated for a UTI a few weeks earlier. I have never recovered, have trouble walking and just 2 weeks ago I had another UTI they gave me CIPRO 500 - again and unfortunately that is how I just figured out what happened. Can not walk unassisted for long distance - legs very week. I am more than MAD!!!!!
9 Replies
Do you have proof that it was caused by the Ciprofloxacin? If so, have you contact the FDA to report the adverse events?
All medications carry risks and some, though rare, can be very severe. Some antibiotics are known to even cause life threatening issues, in some people.
That is why all possible risks and benefits should be discussed with your doctor, before starting any medication.
Proof - yes, I am not the same mobile person I was before cipro and yes I contacted FDA and unfortunately my Doctor made a mistake because they were persuaded by pharmaceutical company that only interests is money. I do not think one person should become disabled because a drug would help someone else - how is that justified? You try it!
Sukie, I have had my share of bad reactions to many medications, I am very sensitive to them, so I do understand.
However, there is really nothing we can do to help you. this is an information only website, we have no connection to the manufacturers, nor the FDA.
What mistake did your doctor make?
I was prescribibed cipro 500 3 times between June 2010 and Aug 2011. Last time back to back, June 2011 and August 2011 that is when I realized cipro should not be given to someone who has a peripheal neuroapathy, now stated (a little too late) on the prescription readout. I have CMT, weight 109lbs. Cipro has dibilitated my already weak leg muscles and now I know it is starting to effected my grasp - dropping things too much. Please appreciate the ability to walk without having to concentraite on it 100% of the time..
Hi I'm sorry to read of yr experience with Cipro. I was an athlete before being misprescribed Cipro for a sports injury. Please visit and share your story with the fluroquinolone group there, there is a wealth of information available on this site. Also visit - a new FQ advocacy group. There are a number of Facebook groups too - one has over 1700 poisoned members. You can post yr story on the FQ Wall of Pain too on FB. FQ's are extremely dangerous for some people and reactions can be delayed and endure for long periods.
Thank you G, finally someone who (unfortunately)understands. I tried that thread but it will not come up - I am really interested in viewing it to see to see if anyone has had imprvment. How about yourself? I will now try and certainly join advocacy group. You are the only one who has given me info to confirm my problem - Dr.'s will not state that cipro would effect me. - could you send me spelling of that site again & thank you!
Hi Sukie
Unfortunately this really helpful forum was closed two weeks ago. The forum organiser continues to run one of the facebook fluroquinolone groups. His site with over 4000 clinical research papers was also removed. However looks like a new site is being built here:
I would advise you look for the representative for your state on the Quinolone Vigilance Foundation page I'm 15 months out, I have been doing well in last few weeks but as with floxing there are cycles, one of which began yesterday morning. Report everything that has happened to you to the FDA and seek out the helpful floxed folks on facebook. I'm over there too.
G still there? wow, thought I was alone, you have really helped. Figures forum would close once I got there. I have requested to join facebook group and need to figure out how to get drop downs on website. I have so many questions especially about the cycles and not sure what floxing is but know I have been really floxed. Thank you.
Daily mail national UK newspaper health section article on Ciprofloxacin appeared on Wednesday, take a look on their site, unfortunately the 'comments' section was closed after 48hrs. A number of people, including myself found ourselves unable to get our comments online for some reason. saferpills the QVF has link to advocates too. New FQ forum just appeared here too: Remember FQ has a couple of groups - join both. And as your in UK report to MHRA.
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