Cilift 20mg
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Ek gebruik Cilift 20mg vanaf 30 Desember 2010 tot op datum en het heeltemal my seksdrag verloor en vreeslik baie gewig opgetel. Is dit as gevolg van die medikasie?

7 Replies

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I have depression, I don't have an appetite, I don't sleep well and I'm loosing weight. My doctor prescribed Cilift pills for the next 3 months, but they make me sleepy. When is the best time to of day to take Cilift 20mg? Is it okay to take them at night and will they help me gain weight?

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I used Cilift for 6 months and gained 12 kg in weight. I stopped using it now but will I lose that weight again?

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Am i going to use the drug cilift 20mg for the rest of my life? will i never stop using it but i hate to feel this way always in a funny mood.

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I have just been prescribed cilift, but after reading all the negative responces am now too scared to try it, please help with what I should o

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I have been using Cilift for at least 6 years and feel it is the most fabulous drug ever discovered. I think I had a few side effects right in the beginning when I started using it, but it soon disappeared and I call it the feeling good drug today.

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Cilift bevat die aktiewe bestanddeel Citalopram, dit is 'n SSRI klas antidepressant.

En ja, is baie goed hierdie medisyne bekend gewigstoename, sowel as verlies aan libido en belangstelling in seks of erektiele disfunksie te veroorsaak.

As dit 'n voortdurende probleem, wat nie tapse af, soos newe-effekte behoort normaalweg, moet jy jou dokter te kontak as jy dalk'n aanpassing in die dosis nodig het, of jy dalk 'n verskillende medikasie te probeer.


The side effects for any medication usually don't hit in full until you have been taking it for about 4 o 6 weeks and then they should start to taper off.

However, the concern I have is the feelings of depression, because this class of medications is known to have the opposite effect in some people and worsen their depression and cause suicidal thoughts. Your doctor should know this and rather than continue taking it, with that experience, I'd suggest you call and talk to them about this concern and if they don't listen, then I'd suggest seeing another doctor.


Are there any other questions or comments?

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I am using Cilift now for the second time, after being of it for 5 months. Started with it 4 days ago with 1 tablet a day for three days. Yesterday I started feeling bad. Started getting burning sensations and feelings of depression, also my head feels strange. Dr said I should take half a tablet for a week and see how it goes. Is this advisable and how long will this feeling last? Please help.

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