Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Recombinant, rh-CNTF Forums

Recently active Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Recombinant, rh-CNTF forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Recombinant, rh-CNTF and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Has anyone been treated with Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Recombinant, rh-CNTF for macular telangiectasia type 2, or have you been introduced to this medication as a possible treatment? ## Hello Vince. I realize that your question is a couple months old and I do not have an answer for you but I have the same question as you as I have just been diagnosed with this. The troubling this is that there is no cure or confirmed treatment that will alleviate the issue from what I have read and this is very concerning. Could I kindly request that if you receieve any responses to let me know of them as well? I would highly appreciate that. Thank you. Fayaz M. ## fayaz, I am interested in communicating with others that have been diagnosed with this eye disease... ## Hi folks - am 28 and been having...

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