Chronic Pain And Pain Medication - Most Liberal States?
UpdatedI am so frustrated with how I have to worry regarding if or will my pain meds be cut off or not. I want to find out who knows what state is the most liberal regarding Pain Meds? I live in Montana. I am an older woman and I don't feel I have to be treated as if I am a young teenager and have to be in a contract, although I always do sign one I have never failed a U/A or anything. I would be willing to move to a State where I could live out the rest of my life without the fear of being cut off narcotics due to new regulations. In this day and age no one should have to suffer in pain!!!
1 Reply
I agree! Unfortunately, the government puts everyone into one category and we all suffer. My Dr does random UA's and med checks. You would be amazed at the results. I too am an older female, and I worry I will get to a point when I will need heavier narcotics and I won't be able to get them. Medical marijuana has really helped me, but I couldn't stay on it. Federal subsidies for my house and assistance, state they are very clear, if you use or have medical marijuana in or around your house, you lose your benefits. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Try some of the medical marijuana stuff. It does work.
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