Chronic Pain Patients Must Get Organized To Lobby For Their Rights. (Page 3)
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People with chronic, intractable pain are being discriminated against and it is imperative that we join forces to fight for our civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please send information on existing associations and organizations that can help or how to establish one that can help pain patients fight for their rights with petitions, letters; emails to send to these state and federal politicians that are determined use prescription drugs, doctors and pharmacies to further their political careers. Drug abuse is not the same as opiate dependent because of chronic pain management and there are over 100 million people living with pain and many of us are unable to live without medication. If the deaths from abuse seems high, the suicides from pain patients that are unable to get relief will be significantly higher. If we do not fight these governors (Colorado's Hickenlooper is a perfect example) and federal agencies that are discriminating pain patients we will be even more victimized. Obviously these politicians no little about pain and they are not aware that chronic pain patients are voters. The statistics used to support their claims regarding deaths from prescription medications are seriously skewed and lacking in additional factors that contributed to the deaths. Compromising the doctor/pharmacy and patient relations is not the government's job; as John Boehner stated government needs to stay out of healthcare and let the trained healthcare professionals make decisions regarding their patients not some politician looking for recognition.

557 Replies (28 Pages)

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Even if there are politicians that that have pain it makes no difference , They can be against this for political gain and have access at the same time. The ones with weath and power will always have access to what ever that want or need. Why should they be concerned about other's that have chronic pain

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Re: methadonehater (# 497) Expand Referenced Message

Methadone is the s***.

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i want to have major oporation to straiten out my spine all docs are against it osteopor sis pinia 49 yo

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Re: HOUSE (# 431) Expand Referenced Message

House is likkin roxy as u read.

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My spine is all messed up and I have scoliosis, osteoporosis & kyphosis in my 40s going through hell. I'm majorly self-conscious and could kill myself if I don't get the latest version of infused rod's & screws in my whole spine. The Dr told me last year that my bone density is now described as osteopenia. Will he do surgery? Someone please let me know if it should be done soon?

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Re: Hop (# 502) Expand Referenced Message

I didn't put much thought into my nickname. Sorry about that.

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Re: I feel ur pain (# 507) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks. Good sources

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Re: methadonehater (# 508) Expand Referenced Message

When the Attorney General gets the letter he's going to think it's crazy . Because the Government Did NOT .Repeat NOT. Ban Soma

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Re: Hop (# 506) Expand Referenced Message

What do you think I said... Someone else wrote it was banned and I said it's not true... Nobody pays attention anymore.

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Re: etech (# 500) Expand Referenced Message


Good work. Letters be sent to federal law makers as well as state lawmakers.

I am going to look for a link that may help everyone in the sinking boat. Wish me luck!

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Re: I feel ur pain (# 498) Expand Referenced Message

Researching I found this so far:

Chronic Pain Warriors Unite for our Rights to Pain Mgt.mThis website tells you who we need to contact in our area & much more. They protested at the CDC in June.

If anyone is in Tennessee there is Senator Lamar Alexander who has brought our problem up several times this year in sessions & welcomes info on our struggles.

One thing that should make ur blood boil is on 6/28/2019 the CDC basically said ops on the guidelines but not before 30+ states incorporated it into their legislature.

I'm still looking for more info.

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Re: C (# 504) Expand Referenced Message

Soma has not been banned. I just got a prescription filled for it.

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Re: etech (# 503) Expand Referenced Message

There was no jury on that case someone wrote in a post. There was just a Judge, trial and done!

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Re: I feel ur pain (# 498) Expand Referenced Message

There are plenty of people getting involved from petitions on Move on and many other groups. Someone said the Government banned Soma? It's not true. Soma is available with a proper RX.

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Re: methadonehater (# 490) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for that info but it's all the same for me. I can believe that because I should have been on that jury.

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Re: methadonehater (# 496) Expand Referenced Message

I have noticed that you are negative toward others that comment here. You really should be more sensitive and there should be someone that keeps negative people like you from repeatedly bashing other people’s posts. Your “name” says a lot about you,
methadone hater”.

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Re: methadonehater (# 496) Expand Referenced Message

I was trying to make a point. I am aware of absentee ballots. If someone is dealing with constant pain it’s more likely they will miss deadlines for things like absentee ballots. I find your response rude. I think you need to work on expressing your opinions using kinder words. After all we are all in this same sinking boat.

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Well for what it's worth, I wrote to the attorney general to express my disappointment with the banning of Soma and possible opiates. And I might just keep doing it because they caused the aggravation with me. So why not do the same.

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Re: Hop (# 492) Expand Referenced Message

I can relate ----- i was on 75mcg and 6 10/325 hydrocodone a day (around the 350mg equivalent to morphine) since the "OPIOD not an EPIDEMIC" They have cut me to 50mg equivalent ---- i used to be able to at least keep up with live ----- now i keep slipping further back everyday ----- less gets done ----- gained back the weight i lost (was losing about 5-8 pounds a month the healthy way) but not being able to hardly move it came back ---- and being in hot climate it effects my body in other ways as well ---- heat rashes bone pain no bed sores yet (trying to not hav that happen) & the like --------- the govt NEEDS TO QUIT ACTING LIKE THEY ARE OUR PARENTS ---------TECHNICALLY THE PEOPLE ARE Supposed TO BE THE PARENT OF THE GOVT ---------- BUT "THE PEOPLE" GOT LAZY AND THE GOVT GOT GREEDY. THAT'S A BAD COMBINATION ---- I think it was franklin that said when the govt learns it can bribe people with their own money the country will be doomed ---- well it happened ---- but i digress --- be well and hope you'll find something that helps.

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Re: methadonehater (# 496) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for ur positive post. When I read that one negative review I almost exited this msg board since it's suppose to be about getting organized for our rights. The post from the guy in South Carolina seems to also be on board & now the question is where do we start. I'll be researching that effort & welcome any positive suggestions.

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