Chronic Pain Patients Must Get Organized To Lobby For Their Rights. (Page 25)
UpdatedPeople with chronic, intractable pain are being discriminated against and it is imperative that we join forces to fight for our civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please send information on existing associations and organizations that can help or how to establish one that can help pain patients fight for their rights with petitions, letters; emails to send to these state and federal politicians that are determined use prescription drugs, doctors and pharmacies to further their political careers. Drug abuse is not the same as opiate dependent because of chronic pain management and there are over 100 million people living with pain and many of us are unable to live without medication. If the deaths from abuse seems high, the suicides from pain patients that are unable to get relief will be significantly higher. If we do not fight these governors (Colorado's Hickenlooper is a perfect example) and federal agencies that are discriminating pain patients we will be even more victimized. Obviously these politicians no little about pain and they are not aware that chronic pain patients are voters. The statistics used to support their claims regarding deaths from prescription medications are seriously skewed and lacking in additional factors that contributed to the deaths. Compromising the doctor/pharmacy and patient relations is not the government's job; as John Boehner stated government needs to stay out of healthcare and let the trained healthcare professionals make decisions regarding their patients not some politician looking for recognition.
Re: Etech (# 480)
Notice that Heroin is always involved with prescription drug deaths. They have to put an illegal drug mixed with a legal prescription drug to feed their propaganda campaign. And people that don't have chronic or in pain problems end up buying into it.
Re: Hop (# 478)
I’m so sorry Melatonin didn’t work for you! It is ok to take 2 in lieu of recommended dose of 1 taken 1/2 hr before bedtime. It’s said to produce more serotonin in your brain that brings on sleep. I pray you find a Dr who will treat you & provide you with a med that will work for you.
Re: Etech (# 480)
These numbers include overdoses from illegal use of Rx drugs which is "drug abuse", period, and nothing to do with the fabricated "opioid crisis". But its so easy for our government to calculate numbers in any manner they desire. Just last week I attended an event with numerous political figures in attendance and this subject came up. The consensus was America has a huge drug abuse problem and there's no such thing as an "opioid crisis". Like I've said before, you can't sue anybody, drug dealers as an example if the problem is drug abuse. Attach the "drug abuse" problem to a non-criminal entity and you have a source that can be taken to court and made responsible for anything the government desires to prosecute. I'll will again invite any person or politician to give me an example of what the opioid crisis is supposed to be. Examples of "drug abuse" are not cases of "opioid crisis". So the illegal importing of fentanyl "IS" part of the drug abuse problem and NOT an opioid crisis example, and NOTE that the government can't sue the criminals illegally importing illicit drugs. It all boils down to following the money. All the politicians in the newspapers with big huge checks for government grants in the fight against the "opioid crisis" and politicians dislocating their shoulders patting themselves on the back.
Well folks...looks like another loss for us pain management team. Here is one of the latest article I copied.
Second opioid distributor charged over role in U.S. drug epidemic
Federal officials said Thursday that Miami-Luken, an Ohio drug wholesale distributor, and two of its former executives have been charged for their roles in the U.S. opioid crisis. This is the second U.S. criminal case against a drug distributor regarding its role in the deadly opioid epidemic. The indictment charges Springboro, OH-based Miami-Luken, the company's former president, former compliance officer, and two pharmacists with conspiring to distribute controlled substances. Federal prosecutors in Cincinnati assert that the company and its executives failed to safeguard the deadly drugs it shipped to pharmacies in five states from being diverted for illegal uses or to report suspicious orders to DEA. According to prosecutors, Miami-Luken shipped millions of opioids to rural Appalachia, including 3.7 million doses of hydrocodone from 2008 to 2011 to a West Virginia pharmacy in a town with just 400 people. Two pharmacists who ordered drugs from Miami-Luken, which discontinued operations last October, have also been charged. Earlier this year, federal prosecutors in Manhattan brought the first opioid-related criminal case against Rochester Drug Co-operative Inc., and the company paid $20 million to resolve the charges.
Source: Reuters (07/18/19) Raymond, Nate
As the witchhunt keeps rolling along.......
Re: BiggerBrat (# 483)
If anyone has read my previous posts, you'll recall that I have 8 bad discs, 2 surgeries, stenosis, I tried steroid shots, nerve deadening shots, and have other medical issues. It all started in the lower back due to a construction accident, which I never received any insurance coverage for and lost the disability pensions, and tossed out by two Union's that I belonged to at the time. All due to the corrupt legal system we have that only protects the scumbag lawyer's, corrupt judge's, Mob controlled Union's, and corrupt businesses! Back in 1994 my doctor told me that I needed another surgery to put in rods and a steel plate to support the back or I'd be in a wheelchair within a year. I didn't have that done and I'm still walking. Panic selling surgeries for profit? So I found out that you can't trust doctor's anymore either! You might also recall that I went and got the Medical Marijuana card. I have been off the opiates for a little over a year now.
In the beginning, the CBD oils from the dispensaries worked great. (Not so much from the health food stores. I actually got sick from the CBD oils from the health food stores) I have noticed that the quality has gone down and the CBD oils are very inconsistent now. I was told that I was building a tolerance and needed more, which is BS because sometimes the CBD oils do work great still. They have very little THC so you don't get "high", maybe a little relaxed, and pain relief. Since Illinois is going fully legal recreational use next January 2020, the quality is going to go down because of the demand. I was on the opiates from 2005 until I quit them last year because I got tired of being viewed as a junkie. Pain management doctors were shutting down and new doctors started the medical extortion games where they will only write the prescriptions if you take their injections.
The original opiates in 2005 from the manufacturer Watson worked great and I had no serious side effects, except occasional constipation. I never abused the medication and refused to take more when the doctors recommended it. I learned to make the medication work for me, as needed, to take the edge of the pain so I could live somewhat of a decent life. The other thing is that I never got their so-called "high" from using it. I got pain relief like everyone else received that has chronic pain. I even tried the Fentanyl patches, but those were so inconsistent, I ended up quitting using those too after a year! Total garbage! When the so-called crisis started that's when everyone started getting sick from the drug companies reformulating the medication. I lost my gallbladder in 2015 because of their reformulation when Actavis bought out Watson and then they changed again to Allergan! Most likely to cover-up what they were doing to protect their shareholders. That's typical these days to put profits before people!!!
So because of the Big Brother Government that has now taken over and started "dictating" on what we can and can't use to take the edge off of our chronic pain, we now live in more pain. Is it because they couldn't find a way to tax the opiates like they tax the Medical Marijuana?
Currently the Medical Marijuana is taxed, which is supposed to be illegal, but they tax it anyway. And it is an all cash business! No checks or credit cards allowed! Insurance doesn't cover it either! Or did they just use the opiate crisis to start the Medical Marijuana programs to pave the way to eventually go fully recreational to make those big tax dollars to feed their money addictions? Isn't that what Government did with Prohibition? They saw how much the bootleggers were earning so they made it legal and took it over and taxed it for more revenue for them to skim from? Maybe they should eliminate all tobacco products since those products also cause thousands of deaths each year? Create a tobacco crisis?
Maybe they should eliminate all the alcohol products too since they also cause a lot of deaths each year, among other problems they cause? Create an alcohol crisis? They won't do that though because of the tax dollars they already have in place on those products that feeds their money-addictions. People say that next year Illinois will change its slogan from "The Land of Lincoln" to "The Stoned to the Bone and Taxed to the Max." Gotta love progress!!! Progress is just the "progression of addiction" that eventually leads to total dysfunction. Just look at our Government! Need I say more? They always talk about growth and needing more growth for the system to grow even more. Doesn't cancer start out as a growth? Nothing will ever change until the totally corrupt Money-Addicts are forced to wake up to the damages they have caused just to line their pockets that feeds their dysfunctional addictions! This country was built by those in denim and is being gradually destroyed by those in the suits and ties! Do the research and your eyes will be opened to the truth of just how dirty things have become over many decades to see just how far the GREEDY MONEY ADDICTS have gone, and the moral laws, written laws, oaths, and ethical standards, they have violated, just to line their GREEDY pockets! The Power of the Dollar!!! Maybe if they were to put in place a maximum wage and remove that money addiction, people at the so-called top might become human again? Don't count on it though!
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but if there are really 100 million chronic pain patients, I would think if we could get a political candidate on our side... That's 100 million possible voters. I know it really depends on a lot, but this is a thought.
Re: Etech (# 484)
The "opioid" crisis is NONSENSE. All opioids are NOT created equal. Fentanyl is not the same thing as hydrocodone or even oxycodone, It never has been and never will be. Yet the people who take these non fentanyl opioids are being treated the same as fentanyl users by the mainstream media, pharmacies and doctors. People who take oxycodone and hydrocodone are getting the rug pulled out from under them for no reason and with no warning. This makes quality of life for people taking these non fentanyl opioids go way down. All of a sudden these people are being made to feel like criminals. It is a very cruel policy.
My goodness, even people who are taking antidepressants aren't suddenly being taken off them because it is so hard on the body and mind. They are weaned off.
BTW: I spelled hydrocodone and oxycodone properly -- so don't change it! I don't know why these words are underlined in red!
Re: Tom H (# 485)
Yep... all kind of go issues since Watson taken away... was kind of wondering if there was any connection, since I started having my gi issues about the same time as I was cold turkied off opiates, then Soma, then put on Norco... joke drug... taking Tylenol3 now, but suffering in my quality of life....
Re: methadonehater (# 487)
Very true. Thank goodness my doctor isn't one of these people that treats patients like drug addicts. Like me, she doesn't believe the so called opioid crisis is a real thing. She's told me more than once, "if you follow the instructions on your Rx bottle you won't have any problems. I live in Pennsylvania but my doctor is in NY. I have a lot of friends in Pennsylvania that go to doctors here and its amazing how badly they are treated by their doctors and accused of being dope addicts. They are forced to take blood tests to make sure they actually take the pills and aren't selling them. The entire thing is all about politics and buying votes from idiots.
Re: Etech (# 484)
That case did not have a jury, only a judge. Just thought you would like to know.
Re: I feel ur pain (# 486)
Sadly all those chronic pain patients won’t be able to get to the polls. Now that all their meds have been taken away their quality of life is dwindling fast.
Re: methadonehater (# 487)
It’s not fair to harshly judge fentanyl patch users. I am a chronic pain patient and fentanyl duragesic patches allowed me to work full-time, raise 3 kids, and deal with my pain. For 13 years I stayed at same dosage. I never combined with illicit drugs. Now I am dealing with life without fentanyl. Fentanyl got a bad reputation from abusers or those who purchased illegally, not because of medication prescribed by pain management doctors and used as directed. Now my quality of life is so poor I can barely play with my grandchildren. I just turned 56 today and cannot imagine living another 20 or more years in this pain. Please do not discriminate or put blame on certain prescription medication users; we are all in this together.
I am in SC and ready to help. Folks, this is scary. Knowing the gov is controlling every aspect of our painful lives is more than scary. I pray for us. I for one would not be functional without my pain meds.
Re: Tom H (# 485)
Update!!! I am now forced to end the medical marijuana program. I have been noticing that I was gradually getting allergic reactions to the oils, and now find that I am allergic to all cannabis products.
It started with the oils where my throat started to swell and almost close with blood pressure dropping. I had troubles with the hemp products in the beginning because I am allergic to hemp seed. That's why I got the medical marijuana card and purchased the oils from the dispensaries that didn't use hemp. I thought they changed the way they were making the oils, but they say they haven't and they don't use hemp. Now I'm getting the same allergic reactions to the very low THC high CBD flower.
I have read comments by other people that have smoked the street marijuana for many years that are now allergic to the medically grown marijuana. Are they growing it different and that is what is causing all the problems?
Whatever it is, after being off the opiates for over a year, I am now back on the opiates.
So I guess the government got what they wanted. They used the so-called opiate crisis to start a medical cannabis program, which paved the way for recreational use beginning January 2020 in Illinois, just to collect those big tax dollars and collect more in kickbacks. (GREEDY CORRUPT money addicts need more sources of income that will feed their money addictions!!)
If they were able to tax the opiates, there would never have been a crisis!!!
Where is this miracle drug Trump talked about for relieving pain for us chronic pain sufferers that is non-addicting when the so-called opioid crisis started? Has anyone heard about that happening and what is the name of that so-called miracle drug?
Probably not, because it's all nothing more than a bunch of BS and more lies!!!
The reality is that we were all used, abused, and ended up suffering more just so they could steal the sale of marijuana from the street dealers to allowing the government to sell it legally for those big tax dollars. Not much different than what happened when they stole the selling of alcohol from the bootleggers and the mob back in the day!
Re: Tom H (# 494)
I developed a condition called CHS after one month of using medical marijuana oral solution. CHS is cannabinoid hyperemesis Syndrome. I had severe stomach cramping and nausea. I was fortunate that I found out what was the cause because in severe cases people vomit up to 70 times daily, get severely dehydrated, get diarrhea, and need hospitalization. The symptoms took several weeks to subside after using 1 dose daily for a month of .5 -1 ml oral solution. The medical marijuana program in NY State is crap!
Re: Hop (# 492)
My point is and was that fentanyl should not be lumped in with all other opioids.
You should not be taken off fentanyl if you need it to improve the quality of your life. Doctors should not be bullied into making medical decisions, by the brainwashed politicians in Washington D.C. or the brainwashed politicians in your state, especially if you have been taking it for years.
As I said the rug should not be pulled out from under anyone! If you have been on fentanyl for years you could stroke out, die, go to the streets and get God knows what for your pain, or kill yourself because the idiots in government are afraid you will become an addict.
This "opioid crisis" is a smoke and mirrors deflection for the real problems going on in government.
Re: Hop (# 491)
That is lame. Haven't you heard of absentee ballots?
Re: methadonehater (# 496)
Thank you for ur positive post. When I read that one negative review I almost exited this msg board since it's suppose to be about getting organized for our rights. The post from the guy in South Carolina seems to also be on board & now the question is where do we start. I'll be researching that effort & welcome any positive suggestions.
Re: Hop (# 492)
I can relate ----- i was on 75mcg and 6 10/325 hydrocodone a day (around the 350mg equivalent to morphine) since the "OPIOD not an EPIDEMIC" They have cut me to 50mg equivalent ---- i used to be able to at least keep up with live ----- now i keep slipping further back everyday ----- less gets done ----- gained back the weight i lost (was losing about 5-8 pounds a month the healthy way) but not being able to hardly move it came back ---- and being in hot climate it effects my body in other ways as well ---- heat rashes bone pain no bed sores yet (trying to not hav that happen) & the like --------- the govt NEEDS TO QUIT ACTING LIKE THEY ARE OUR PARENTS ---------TECHNICALLY THE PEOPLE ARE Supposed TO BE THE PARENT OF THE GOVT ---------- BUT "THE PEOPLE" GOT LAZY AND THE GOVT GOT GREEDY. THAT'S A BAD COMBINATION ---- I think it was franklin that said when the govt learns it can bribe people with their own money the country will be doomed ---- well it happened ---- but i digress --- be well and hope you'll find something that helps.
Well for what it's worth, I wrote to the attorney general to express my disappointment with the banning of Soma and possible opiates. And I might just keep doing it because they caused the aggravation with me. So why not do the same.
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