Chronic Back Pain (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been suffering due to severe lower back pain for years ( may be because of my over weight). Consulted several physio but its of no use. Finally I approached irehab for advice. And in return I got a good response too. Now I've been slowly recovering from my back issues. I still wanted to know if there is any other pain killer tablets available in the market for this kind of back problem particularly due to over weight.
4 Replies
just lose the weight and see how much better you will feel, nothing is worse than pain and if losing weight instead of taking harsh medications would be of some relief this should be a no brainer!! trust me I have taken every pain medication known to man and if I had my choice I would rather change my diet and excercise if this was to be of some help.
I agree with Sue. I am on pain killers due car accident, operation. It is no way to live. I maintain a healthy weight to avoid any other back problems and strongly urge you to use diet first.
My son (aged 46) has been suffering with back pain for many years, it has now reached a point where he can stand for no longer than about 3 minutes and can walk no longer than about 4 minutes. He has had an MRI scan and they say surgery is not necessary and have referred him back to physio, they have now referred him to 'pain clinic'. I can't believe they are 'washing their hands' of him at his age, with all those years ahead of living with this problem. Anyone with any advice on how to proceed would be much appreciated ...
Like many people out there, I am unable to recall a day in my life since childhood that I don't hurt. It's though as if someone is taking a ballpein hammer and is continuously hitting me on both sides of my spine right next to where my hip bones converge, as well as my tail bone. No amount of rubbing, messaging, or stretching helps in anyway. It is a deep aching pain accompanied by sharp stabbing pains when I bend, twist, or lean forward when sitting down. Stretching brings about immediate numbness and tingling in my legs and feet. Although I have learned to live with this agonizing continuous pain, at times I have actually considered ending my life just to get away from it. (even though to interact with me most people couldn't tell) I am unable to sit, stand, lay down, or walk without my legs, feet, hands, or my butt going numb and stinging me with needles. Although, in the past the weightlessness of swimming eased the pressure and pain, that is no longer the case. When I go swimming now, both hands and feet get needles and go numb after maybe 15 min. Dizzy spells accompanied with needles happen a lot more often. At times I have to sit down or grab whoever or whatever is around before I completely black out and fall down. Sleep eludes me most nights since there is nothing to distract me from the pain. After a few days of no sleep I pass out from sheer exhaustion and wake up in so much pain that I actually see little white spots. When I sprint, my legs get tangled up and quit working. I have also started to lose strength in my hands and drop things without knowing I was losing my grip in the first place. I am not out of shape. I am 5' 7" 150 lbs. about 8-10% body fat depending on the season. Physical labor has been a constant in my life. Landscaping, logging, the Army (19K-Abrams), and roofing. I have endured several back injuries since childhood. The worst was landing on my tailbone while playing dodge ball. After which I wasn't able to anything for almost two weeks straight. I try to enjoy an active life style despite my constant pain. Doctors say nothing is wrong with me. I've been told I was out of shape. I understand that all of my chosen professions have contributed to my pain. However sitting around being in-active is far worse then any day of hard labor has ever been, hence the reason for my choices of work. Plus this has been going on long before I ever joined the work force. I have tried all kinds of remedies: pain meds, muscle relaxers, cannabis, yoga, and praying. Nothing works. I am extremely worried as I am only 33 years old, and as I said, nothing is helping. The only thing that seems to help is the brief moment of relief I get when I bring my legs up to my chest. However if I stay that way longer than a couple of seconds everything starts going numb. The only clue I have is from when a chiropractor once told me I wasn't built right. He wouldn't elaborate anymore than that. Am I doomed for the rest of my life? What can I do to stop this? As I said I am only 33 years old, my mental fortitude is weakening and I'm very depressing to be around. My friends and family say I've become an a**hole lately and honestly I just don't care. I hate that they dump their problems on me and don't even see the pain that I am in. If I try to tell someone they cut me off by saying they get back pains too! I want to scream in their face! Ending it all seems more and more like a viable option. Not like me at all.
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