Cholestyramine For Diarrhea (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I do have high cholesterol and high triglycerides(sp?) but the Cholestyramine was prescribed for me for diarrhea and such since my gall-bladder surgery. i am confused as it is not on the instructions re: what I went to the doctor to have "fixed"? I was losing my stools 3 or 4 times per day.

91 Replies (5 Pages)

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Is it possible to take two doses ( not at the same time) of the Cholestyramine if you are going to be out for the entire day and not sure what meals you will be having. I have had a problem with this - embarrasing sometimes - if I haven't taken the meds before I'm ready to eat. Please let me know - thank you.

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I would ask your primary care physician about that. Make sure the increase doesn't affect your absorption of other vitamins and minerals you are consuming. I ended up going to a hematologist for low iron absorption (ferratin which is needed to make blood) and was told that the problem with cholestyramine is that all minerals and vitamins bind to it and you pass them as well. The medication also needs to be taken hours before and after other medications,etc. As mentioned earlier, I had to receive iron iv's for over a month. Interestingly I found that my body formed solid stools again once my iron storage level was increased. If your doctor gives you the okay for the increase ask them to write a new prescription showing the increase in dosing with the correct quantity that will now be needed to make a 30 day supply.

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Thank you for this information. I will definitely check with my doctor as you suggest - thank you for the prompt reply.

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What is something over counter to take as I have no insurance anymore and have taken Cholestermine for about 5 yr. the pills they suggest are too expensive.

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Could you have celiac disease?

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I have had severe diarrhea for five weeks. My doctor prescribed Cholestyramine for Oral Suspension, with instructions to use "as needed". I am still having explosive diarrhea; am afraid to leave the house. Does anyone have advice as to what to do next? I've used the BRAT diet but still have the problem. Help, if you can.

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Hi, When I was on a low-fat diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, I found that I was able to go without the cholestyramine for a few days. I also had one low-fat yogurt every day, which is a probiotic that helps to add good bacteria to your stomach and colon to aid with digestion. Just a thought. Good luck to you.

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Recent gallbladder surgery. Colon/rectal cancer 23 yrs ago. Radiation, surgery and chemo at that time. Since the gallbladder surgery I have developed fecal incontinence
but have had IBS like symptoms since the cancer. Dr. prescribed Cholestyramie for Oral Suspension USP powder. Does anyone know how long this takes to kick in? Also I am taking Levothyroxine and Atorvastatin . In some of my research it mentions these drugs may interact wit the Cholestyramine. Does anyone know if I should not be taking

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I had colorectal resection (cancer) 11 years ago. Have been living with fecal incontenance since then. Very problematic for travels and leading a normal life. Dr. suggested cholestrymin powder (Sandoz). Trial and error has me taking one 4 mg in water once a day. The jury's still out, but I do notice a great relief from constant diarrhea and all the inconveniences associated. I know to take meds way prior or after taking a dose of this med. I am hopeful and confident that this may the answer. Many who have commented seem to have had success. Boy, am I looking for that!

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My original dosage was 4 mg twice a day WITH meals. I developed more diarrhea, so doc has me now once day, mid-day when I am not just finishing nor starting with a meal. It now seems to do the job. Yay

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Dosage has now been reduced to every other day = 4mg between meals once a day.
Seems to control my loose stools, now more compact. Yes!!!!

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It looks like you posted this over a year ago but hey, I'm going through this right now soooo - they now market cholestyramine with the primary purpose of binding to bile leaking back from the liver into the digestive system with diarrhea as the primary result, and secondarily as a way to keep cholesterol down. I think the meds that are solely for that - HCTZ, etc. - are better but they also don't have the bile binding secondary purpose. I have been doing incredible on the cholestyramine for the last two weeks, skipped it two days due to vacation and could absolutely tell it was missing - though my doctor didn't mention the potential iron deficiency issue. Since I'm borderline anemic I will have to to touch base with him on that

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If you are referring to me, notice my dates are August 2015.

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Hi I had 2 to 3 foot of my small intestine removed when a abscess ruptured that was 3-3-15 it is now September I have been taking cholestyramine for about 5 months. I find it works great and everything is fine for a few days then all of a sudden diarrhea again. Have to take two to three packets when my intestines act up. I eat lots of protein and take two fiber tablets before bed and usually I am normal. I find I can't eat spicy foods,fried foods,drink alcohol I mostly exist on chicken and Turkey and cheese.I just read it can take 4 to 5 years to heal and where mine ruptured I get blockages which the doctor says will happen no m matter what I eat it's from scar tissue. I try new foods when I have been normal about a week sometimes I can handle it sometimes I can handle it just once second time my stomach starts rolling and gurgling and I am in bathroom for a couple days even with cholestyramine. Good luck life is different and I accept that just wish I could eat jalapeno again!!!

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Since you were on cefalexon on you need to be on a stronge probiotics. Yogurt will do no good. The antibiotic you were on kills all the bad an good bacteria. Go to any pharmacy and pick up a 80 billon plus probiotic. Find a liquid multi vitamin as well. If you find yourself sensitive to red meat as well that is a side effect of the antibiotic, hopefully that will pass, it didn't for me. God bless hope this helps you.

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DOES THIS PRODUCT EXPIRE?I have had no luck in stopping my diarrhea for a week. The product I have is dated 3/12. Thanks

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I've been taking 4 scoops of cholestyramine and 4 to 5 Imodium a day for about 6 months now~ just to try to have stable intestines each day.
With all this, I still have loose bowels every day.
I have discovered that when mixing cholestyramine with (silk brand) coconut milk (located next to almond milk at the store) ~ that when mixing the two~ that they bubble up into a froth.
This makes the cholestyramine more palatable!
I am beginning to wonder if the D. will ever go away!

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I have been going Thu this and taking the same as you for over 6 years and I hate to say I still have accident .I cannt even enjoy a normal life .

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That's an awful lot to still not be working ! Have you talked to your dr about this?

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I am interested to know if you are having any success since you first started taking the cholestyramine? It takes awhile to notice a difference.

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