Chlorthalidone Issues


I was put on 25 mg. of chlortalidone several months ago. I lost a lot of weight and felt terrible. I contacted my dr. and they had me cut it in half. I continued to not feel well and started having irregular heartbeat, tingling and numbness, muscle cramps. My dr. sent me to a cardiologist who ran a stress test and echocardiogram. It showed irregular heart rythmns but he said he thought I was ok. I had read about low potassium while on diuretics so he asked if I'd had a blood test (which I hadn't nor was it ever suggested). My potassium came back below normal so the cardiologist & fam dr. were all worried and told me to increase my potassium and get retested in a week. I did and my results came back normal. But I still feel awful--irregular heartbeat, tingling, stomach issues. I tried cutting back to 6.25 mg. but it's not helping. Any suggestions? I'd rather go off of this. I'm on 100 mg. Losartan as well by my BP got very high on it so that's why they started me on the water pill.

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Hello, Ana! How are you?

It can cause those types of symptoms in some people that take it, if you also become dehydrated, such symptoms can become even worse. How much fluid do you take in each day?

The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, and increased urination.

I'm not sure why they are even keeping you on this, given the problems, since there are other medications they could replace it with. You might want to ask your doctor about switching to a different medication. I can't tell you what to do, this is just a suggestion.

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I started this medication just over 2 weeks ago at a dose of 25mg. I also take atenolol and ramipril 10mg. I was very ill a couple of days ago on it. Loss of coordination, dizzy, felt sick and had palpitations. Rang 111 and spoke to a dr and they sent an ambulance for me. Did all the diagnostics at the hospital and said it was probably the chlorthalidone 25mg I was taking. My GP has taken me off it now. Horrible drug, felt terrible. How long does it take to clear from my body? I stopped taking it on Friday.

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I been taking chlorthalidone 25mg for 3 months. Now my feet are swollen. Could this be because of the chiorthalidone?

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I took my first dose of chlorthalidone (half a tablet) this morning at 9:30 and begin experiencing nausea around 5 pm. Should I continue taking it?

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I was prescribed Chlorthalidone along with my Losartan. It was to replace the hctz that I was on for years which was working well. After a few days on it I started being so utterly fatigued and weak like I was going to break. After about 2 weeks on it I ended up in an ambulance to the hospital. I was severely jaundiced with my liver enzymes at 2400 when it should have been 500 or less I was told. The doctor there took me off it immediately. I was then taken for an exploratory procedure where they removed 60% on a "Bezoar" that was hanging on my lower GI tract. Weirdness! I wanted the remaining 40% of it gone so I did some research and found a study done by doctors using coca-cola therapy. Yes! Good old fashioned coca-cola to disintegrate a bezoar. I quickly gulped down 2 cokes and it came out in the bottom of the toilet looking like dark shale-like rock tiny pieces. Crazy! 100% truth! It really worked. No more pain at all.

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I just recently accidentally discovered that chlorthalidone CAN CAUSE palpitations. I came to this discovery when I ran out of pills, my pharmacy didn’t have any of the ones I take, since I have a second BP med I coasted for about a week. NO PALPITATIONS all week long. Picked up a refill, started asking it again & the palpitations came back.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I notice you the “FDA lists”. I have looked on the fda site but cannot figure out how to access the adverse reactions of meds. Can you point me in the right direction?

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Let me tell you about Chlorthalidone. This medication is dangerous period. They have been trying to get this taken off market for 40 years.

I took this pill, same dose for 3 days. Both my Potassium and Sodiuim levels tanked and my magnesium went below normal as well. I suffered like this for 13 days because the heart dr.'s nurse never called me back!

Ended up in the ER! I was the first case this year and the worst in 30 that they had ever seen. The issue was Severe Drug Induced Hypokalemia and it can KILL you like it almost did.

If my Potassium had dropped one more point my heart would have stopped and to that close to death because of the Dr.s negligence? Would you want this to happen to your parents? Grandparents? Because I barely survived and I am 55 years old with stage 2 hypertension.

I wont even go into the the f***ed emotional s*** I am dealing with now due to PTSD from the ER experience and my short stay. I ended up having to AMA out before I killed every attending nurse and doctor because they were treating me like a GD drug addict which I am most certainly not!

Well lets just say I have two teams of attorney's and by the time it's all done a lot of people will lose their jobs, the hospital will be plastered all over the news, and well depending on the jury I may just be set for the rest of my life and then some!


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