Chlorthalidone Use
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In my research on Chlorthalidone, I have come upon information that may have a drastic impact on the use of this type of drug. Its action on the NMDA synaptic receptors could be the cause of many of the most damaging degenerative diseases. Parkinson, Alzheimer, Obesity, ALS, Tinnitus, Meniere's, Eplipsy, Huntington's and several others. The action is the reduction of fluids in the brain tissue increases the glutamate concentrations which have a drastic effect on the glutamate activated synapse. It opens the synapse for Sodium which lowers the voltage and allows Ca+ to attach and results in the death of the nerve. It also creates a whole chain of other similar effects with other neurotransmitters. Taken in massive doses it can have devastating effects.
4 Replies
What are the side effects of chlorthalidone 50 mg tablets? What other prescriptions should not be taken with this drug? I just got the prescription filled and the pharmacy failed to enclose any information with the drug.
I have been on Chlorthalidone (CTD) 6.25mg for six months. My leg swelling has reduced and my blood pressure remains steady at 130/90. What should I do if I want to stop taking this medication safely and avoid withdrawal?
I was always dehydrated for years on chlorthalidone 25mg. Now I have moderate kidney disease. I increased to 50mg and gfr 36 now 31. Wonder if chlorthalidone helped cause my kidney disease?
If you feel that you have come upon information that the regulatory authorities are not aware of for a medication, then the best thing you can do is to contact them and provide evidence of your theory.
The U.S. FDA has a public contact number at 888-INFO-FDA
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