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What is Normaxin Tablet Prescribed for? ## Normaxin contains the active ingredients Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium, it is most commonly used to treat gastro-intestinal problems, such as ulcers and IBS. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## Is Normaxin an antibiotic? ## I am feeling mild pain in right sided below rib cage & I am taking normacin, but I am not getting relieved from pain. pls advise me treatment if someone knows. Thanks. ## my dear indian,any tablet used for mild problem cannot be prescribe directly to any patient unless doctor must know his sensitivity example. some patient may have toncele,cold allergy,nerve impulse,im such cases if any patient administrating normaxin directly may cause severe cold problem in toncele patient ..if any toncele patien...
hello..I am suffering from IBS.Doctors have prescribed me colocalm tablets 2 per day.Its say salt is MEBEVERINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE.I am having these tablets from 5 years till now,but suddenly the problem of dry eyes came into my lyf 1 year ago.The test report for sjorgen`s syndrome are negative as they were suspecting first.Now the eyes doctor said its due to depression so I shud take a psychotherapy as no medicine is providing relief to dry eyes and condition getting worse day by day.My concern was whether COLOCALM have side effects like dry eyes..? ## I am facing trouble from loose motion after taking drugs I relief for some time but this problem happened again and again.
Took 25mg tabs of librium for a week. Noticed that my libido disappeared. So i stopped taking it. How long will it take for my libido to return? I'm a 25 year old fairly healthy male. ## That can be a side effect of this Chlordiazepoxide, though there is no way to say for sure when it will ease off, but given that you only took it for a week, it shouldn't take too long. Are you on any other medications? Did you experience any of the other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, or headache?
What are side effects of normaxin and how effective it is for IBS ?. ## Normaxin contains the active ingredients Chlordiazepoxide, Clidinium and Dicyclomine, it used as an antispasmodic, which is commonly used to treat the symptoms of IBS. As to its effectiveness, some people get great results with it and some don't, which is true of any medication, because it depends on the individual. The only way to know if it will help you is by trying it. Some of the common side effects may include: drowsiness, altered sex drive, constipation and confusion. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## How long Normaxin can be taken for curing IBS ..... How excessive Gas formation after every meal can be cured? ## What are its side effects. How much dose we can take daily ## I am a IBS...
half capsule is pale blue with barr printed on it and other half of capsule has the number 159 printed both halves printed with black ink ## Just curious. Found some old capsule oval shaped pills. The blue l/2 says barr and the white l/2 is 159. Printed in small black letters. Capsule is small with powder inside. I have no clue... can you assist? Thanks much. ## Teva Pharmaceuticals, who purchase Barr, lists this capsule as containing 25mgs of Chlordiazepoxide. It is a benzodiazepine that is used treat anxiety, and nervous disorders. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?
what is clordiazepoxido 10 mg used to treat ## Chlordiazepoxide is a Benzodiazepine derivative that is most commonly used to treat severe, disabling anxiety. Learn more Chlordiazepoxide details here. Are there any other questions or comments? ## If I'm taking blood pressure medicine can I take CLORDIAZEPOXIDO 10
bloating & blelching ## hardness in the stomach and it has been spread in to liver due to virus or bacteria by which i have to suffer with very bad decease like bloted after meal as well as burping maximum time a day please solve my issue. regards vikas ## vikas, unfortunately, no one is going to be able to solve your issue from just the limited information provided in a post on the internet. Have you seen a doctor? If you have some type of bacterial infection or a virus, you will need proper treatment, which can involve the use of antibiotics and/or antiviral medications. Normaxin contains the active ingredients Chlordiazepoxide, Clidinium and Dicyclomine, it used as an antispasmodic for different health conditions, including those affective the intestinal tract. Are there any ques...
green cap for abdominal pain ## Can you tell me where I can get chlord/clidi 5-2ms at an affordable price? It has gotten so expensive, I can't buy it. ## Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium is generic for Librax, it is used to treat various conditions such as peptic ulcere, IBS and grastritis. There is a warning that it may be habit forming. As to where to purchase it, I am sorry, I don't know. Have you tried searching online or checking the prices are various pharmacies? You can read more about the medication here: ## [email protected] [1] I pay 68.82 for librax for my spasdic bowel problem. I have been taking it for years and it was about $7 or $8 dollars and now, with insurance it has jumped way up. I only take 2 a day one in the morning and one at night. I don't understand...
Hi, i am suffering from epigastric pain and these are the tablets which are given by the doctor for 6 weeks; and even though i am taking this tablets, sometimes i use to get sounds in my small intestine and i can observe that some bubbles are formed in my small intestine. My age is 25 years. ## Normaxin contains 5mgs of Chlordiazepoxide, 2.5mgs of Clidinium and 10mgs of Dicyclomine, it is used as an antispasmodic and is sometimes given to help with the pain and discomfort caused by intestinal spasms. Happi contains the active ingredient Rabeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor that is used to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Both of these can cause gas as a side effect and regardless of what you are taking, your intestines do still have to work, so you will get so...
Yes, it's ridiculous that both medicare and united health care will not pay for this! Or the generic librax. I have both ibs and an ulcer. This works for me. I'm with aarp! Anybody else on here in the same situation? Let's contact them to get help! Isn't that what they are here for? ## I am a State employee with total coverage insurance as well as pharmacy coverage. We just had to change to a new company in January. Librax is not in their Formulary, and is not covered. 90 day supply of brand name is over $6000 and generic is over $900. Even with good wages it is not possible to continue on with the drug. I have an appointment with my doctor in several weeks to try to work on a new medication.
I have been taking Prothiaden 75 from one year for depression, numbness in the face, and a tingling feeling in my head. But not cured still. What can I do next..... ## Is any other medine along wid prothedin you are taking ## Please take Chlozep (chlordiazepoxide & trifluoperazine) only. It will be help you. If it will be not help you then please take mirip II and clonazepam 0.5 mg.ok
list of Nrx drugs with the dates of inclusion of any given drug in the NRx list ## for medical store ## Hi BGD, Unfortunately, I'm having a very difficult time finding this information. India does not appear to regulate and list all of their approved prescription medications and the classifications like many other countries do. Lots of the time, it is even hard to identify many of their medications because they don't keep a log of all the imprints. Is there a ministry of health that you can contact that might be able to help you? ## 'NRx' is written on some drugs by manufacturer. What is the meaning of 'NRx'? Why it is written on some drugs like chlordiazepoxide, etc. ## kindly seng the current nrx drugs list in india ## PL. SEND ME N Rx DRUGS LIST ## Please prov...
I am suppose to be taking this for IBS I have diarrhea with it does this work if taken only as needed to stop the diarrhea I also burp a foul tasting substance whent he attack starts anyone every hear of this ## Hello, Peg! How are you? It is normal for medications like this to cause gas/belching, as well as flatulence. You may also experience bloating, nausea and abdominal cramping, as listed by the FDA. You could try taking it, as needed, as long as your doctor approves and see how it works for you. Is there anything else I can help with?
I am suffering from severe epigastric pain and flatulence and was diagnosed as IBS. since last 30 years. All the tests like colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood test, fat absorption test, ultra sound have shown negative. Recently endoscopy showed oesophagytis B. I was given nexpro 40 mg and lesuide. Of late the it has become very bad. I get constant pain in the abdomen, nausea, flatulence, bloated feeling. Nights I have disturbed sleep and pass lot of wind, sometimes foul smelling. Mornings I have urgency to pass motion, and i have quit loose motion and sometimes semi solid. No blood, rarely mucus is seen in stools. I feel run down with joint pain, body pain etc. As soon as I eat I have bloated feeling. I am scared to eat outside and am very careful not to eat spicy and oily food. But still it...
A small light green capsule ## Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium are the active ingredients in Librax, it is commonly used to treat peptic ulcers, IBS and gastritis. However, in a lot of cases, it has been replaced with newer medications, such as PPIs or H2s. Do you have any questions? ## I have been taking Chlor Clindinium along with a very very low dosage of anti depressant. I have noticed I have started snoring loudly at night...or should I say my other half has noticed. I am quite embarrassed by this and also care about him and don't want him to have to deal with hearing me sounding off all night long... My question is could this be due to the medication? ## Is chlord/clidi5 supposed to be taken everyday for a certain period of time or do you just automatically take it if there is ...
Hi, i am suffering from epigastric pain and this are the tablets which are given by the doctor for 6 weeks and even thought i am taking this tablets,some times i use to get sounds in my small intestine and i can observe that some bubbles are formed in small intestine. bloating & blelching hardness in the stomach and it has been spread in to liver due to virus or bacteria by which i have to suffer with very bad decease like bloted after meal as well as burping maximum time a day please solve my issue ## What has your doctor advised? What type of foods are you eating? Normaxin contains Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium, it is used in cases like this as an antispasmodic. However, it sounds like you may be suffering from gas. ## how to make my pany strong and fat
can i take more than 1 pill if in a lot of pain ## This actually isn't an analgesic that will work like traditional ones do to alleviate pain. Chlordiazepoxide with Clidinium, the generic for Librax, is most commonly used to treat peptic ulcers and IBS by helping to relieve stomach spasms and abdominal cramping. Learn more Librax details here. What type of pain are you experiencing? ## I have muscle spams in stomach when having a stool and lower stomach pain on the left side . I have diverticulios and diverticulidus and have had for several years but the spams are moving all the way up to my neck and they are very painful . I am going to my family doctor soon. to see what is going on.
What is the use of this medicine? ## Hello, Sandip! How are you? Libotryp contains the active ingredient Chlordiazepoxide, which is a benzodiazepine and sedative hypnotic that's used to treat various conditions, such as anxiety and nervous disorders. This medication has the potential to be habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more Libotryp details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
Is libotryp tab a sleeping pill. What are the side effects this tablet for taking long period. ## Hello, Joseph! How are you? Libotryp contains the active ingredient Chlordiazepoxide, it is a sedative hypnotic, so yes, it can be used to help with sleep issues. Learn more Libotryp details here. Side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, fainting and skin rash. Is there anything else I can help with?
I am a 54 year old male.I am taking one libotryp 12.5 mg tab in the night since last six months as prescribed by my doctor for getting releif from anxiety and for having a good sleep. Is there any harm in continuing to take this medicine. Every month I go to the Doctor for check up and I am a BP patient. Please give me your valuable advice. thanks ## Hi, Joseph! How are you? There can be risks associated with taking any medication, especially for a long period of time. However, it's best to follow your doctor's advice, because they are the best judge of what's safe for you to take and how long you should take it. Monthly visits mean that you're being monitored regularly, which is a very good thing to do and you should make sure to keep each appointment, as long as your d...