Charlote Arthritis Mexican Pain Pill (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy wife, age 84, had arthroscopic surgery on her knee 15 years ago with little benefit. Lately she has had the rooster shots with no benefit. A few days ago she was in agony and friend gave her "Charlote Arthritis" pills from Mexico. The relief was almost instantaneous. She takes two per day and is pain free. The list ingredients are: oak, white willow, magnesium, chamomile, and one item, about 7 letters, too blurred to read.
Where can I locate Charlotte arthritis pills? Is it available over-the-counter?
Re: Nae5280 (# 40)
Where is Jessica's Pharmacy? I've never found it in any American Pharmacy.
Re: Levi (# 42)
You have to get it in Mexico! We are winter Texans so we go into Progresso to get it. I have not found helping like these other people say!
Might just be me! Have a great day!
Re: katie (# 35)
Thats why l had to quit Naproxen also, these didn't soon to work as well!
I'm not to sure these are any better for you.
it's Oak White willow Magnesium Rosemary Chamomile . From Progresso mexico left side of town going south Last foot nail salon has a pharmacy. Can't remember the name Charets Arthritis has 30 pills in bottle Expensive ,but works Recommended does is one a day with meals
Rosemary is the other ingredient I take them too . Only thing I've Ever found to take my neck shoulder back and carpel tunnel pain away. Hard to find in Mexico.
Re: David (# 5)
last ingredient is Rosemary on my bottle.Doesnt have dosage of each for ingredient.
Re: Paul (# 2)
Is this the big shopping center on the us side before going into progresso
Re: TJJ (# 6)
Looking for charlote arthritis pills to be shipped to South Dakota.
Re: Jjl (# 15)
Diclofenac Is an NSAID. That’s why the pills are effective. The other ingredients probably help, but the NSAID is the ingredient that really helps.
Re: Bonita (# 18)
Rosemary is the word you are looking for.
Re: Paul (# 2)
Seriously with this message? Many have died with drugs smuggled from Mexico. I hope he builds that wall in a hurry.
Re: Bella (# 21)
I hope he builds it too...we need one in Australia to keep out Muslims who have destroyed our country
Re: Jjl (# 13)
If these pills have naproxen in them you cannot take them if you are on heart meds. They could cause pulmonary embolism
Re: Paul (# 2)
How about Biden screwing up the border. We are winter Texans, had no trouble until stole the election and has screwed up our entire Country, high price gasoline prices; President Trump had our oil wells going again, gas $1.56 at one time In our State. Heating bills have tripled not to count the deaths of thousands of our own people in Afghanistan, it was like he opened it up & said come get them he even caused 13 of our own service men to die. He has so much blood on his hands. Many writing. Books telling the truth behind Biden and all the crap & crimes going on. Please bring President Trump back to save us!
Re: katie (# 31)
I agree with you, as I think most Americans do, makes me so angry, Trump is rightly our President anyway. Is rigged as we all know
El Centro Super Center, Nuevo Progresso, Tamp, MX
Hurry before Trump screws up everything and closes the border.
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