Charlote Arthritis Mexican Pain Pill (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy wife, age 84, had arthroscopic surgery on her knee 15 years ago with little benefit. Lately she has had the rooster shots with no benefit. A few days ago she was in agony and friend gave her "Charlote Arthritis" pills from Mexico. The relief was almost instantaneous. She takes two per day and is pain free. The list ingredients are: oak, white willow, magnesium, chamomile, and one item, about 7 letters, too blurred to read.
I tried 1 bottle and I want to buy more. How can I purchase it?
A relative gave me a bottle of Charlote arthritis pills she got in Mexico near Brownsville, Texas. Only problem, I live in Phoenix. I travel to Los Algodones a few times a year and wondering if any place sells them there. They work great on my arthritis.
Sooo whT is the 7 letter word that's an ingredient in this Charlotte arthritis Mexican pill please? My mom has severe knee pain.
Re: David (# 5)
It could be Rosemary. At least that's what ours says.
Re: David (# 5)
The missing ingredient is Rosemary.
I am trying to find charlote over the counter for my arthritis
Rosemary is the last ingredient. I get them in Mexico.
Where to get them over the counter?
Re: Jjl (# 13)
Please check with your Dr before taking That much Naproxen. It is only recommended that you take them once a day they can cause heart attacks
As of this month the prices are up to 19.00 for it.
Re: Glenn (# 4)
We got them to day at ABC Pharmacy in Progresso
Re: Jjl (# 13)
We were in Progresso to today. All the stores had them.
Re: Jjl (# 13)
I took Naproxen for about 10 yrs. New Dr. Made me quit, because of being afraid of what it would do to my liver. Im scare to go back on it. Although it the best I have ever found.
Re: Jjl (# 13)
thats why i had to quit the Naproxen. on it to long. dr was afraid for my liver. But it worked great.
Re: T (# 1)
You get them in Progresso Mexico. South Texas the Rio Grand Valley.
Re: Willie (# 7)
I would like to try your Charlotte arthritis pills
Re: Paul (# 2)
It will likely be easier to get when Trump goes back in office. Its Biden who wants all our money to give to others
Re: Denny (# 8)
Ive located it in Puerto Rico at Shaddai pharmacy but I need to
Re: Roadrambler (# 11)
I got it today and went to Jessica's Pharmacy. It was 12.00 and I got 7 bottles. Today is July 20,2022
Re: Joe (# 37)
I would like to get the Charlotte Mexican pain pill also.
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