Chantix Half Dose Question (Top voted first)


Hi all. I have been a "lite" smoker (5-10 a day for nearly 30 years). My husband smokes a pack a day and long story short he got on Chantix about 10 days ago. The starter kit where you take .5 mg in a.m. for first 3 days the same morning and night for 4 days, then 1 full mg. morning and night. I started taking it too 4 days ago by cutting the full dosage pills in 1/2. After only 3 days I have no desire to smoke and you are supposed to smoke the first week, I think to make yourself disgusted! Anyhow, last night was the night I needed to take the other 1/2 and it gave me horrible insomnia. I already struggle with sleeping and take a xanax every night but even with the xanax I was up and when I finally fell asleep I woke up with a HORRIBLE headache that is just now wearing off. My question is "is it o.k. for me to just take a 1/2 in the a.m. since it seems to me working?" I called the Chantix hotline # but there is no one to speak with and I have looked at several Chantix sites and my question doesn't seem to be addressed. Thank you!

2 Replies

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Hello, Daizy! How are you?

Only a doctor can actually properly advise you on how much you should take and, if it's safe for you to take.

As to the insomnia, yes, this class of medications have been known to cause that, as reported by the FDA. They tend to cause REM Onset Latency, so you enter the REM phase of sleep at a later time than usual and don't spend as much time in it. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Am on day 43 of quit with Chantix after smoking 35 years. I halfed my pills today to wean off the chantix, because of side effects. Am scared i'll start to want cigs again. Feeling kind of weird now & wonder if it's ok to cut them in half. I didn't eat as much with it tho so that could be part of it. I don't know if Chantix is making me xxxx tired or the quit. Can anyone tell me their experience getting off of Chantix & if they weaned off it nu cutting them in half?

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