Changing Methotrexate Schedule
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The day after I take my 6 2.5mg methotrexate tablets I always have enough stomach upset to make me spend an hour or so doing absolutely nothing but sit still. Are there any suggestions about what foods might help counteract this reaction? Are there any suggestions about changing the day (once a week) that I take my pills so that I could take them the day prior to a day with less physical activity?
2 Replies
It appears that I had more of a problem with the fish oil that I was taking than with the methotrexate. I have since started freezing my fish oil & taking it only in the morning & at may not have been the methotrexate at, I am doing a good bit better. Thanks for the suggestions
Hello, LeTigre! How are you?
In many cases, crackers or bread can help reduce the nausea and stomach pain, as long as they aren't contraindicated with the given medication.
Changing the day should be fine, unless your doctor has some reason for you not to do so.
The FDA lists other typical side effects as possibly including back pain, blurred vision, headache and cough.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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