CerAxon Forums
Recently active CerAxon forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about CerAxon and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Does anyone know any details about taking cerAxon for dementia/Alzeimers? If yes, has it helped? Any side effects? ## What is ceraxon used for besides dementia? Also is 1000 mg. every 12 hours an average dosage? What are the side effects? My mother just had a stroke and I did not realize before I got the list of medication from the hospital that she was taking it. ## CerAxon is actually just classified as a medical food, since it is nothing more than a supplement that may help with cognition and memory impairment. It actually contains Citicoline, which is available over the counter and considered a supplement, not a medication. Learn more CerAxon details here. Are there any other comments or questions?
Are there any discount coupons available for CerAxon? How can I find them? ## CerAxon is not actually a drug, it is a supplement that contains Citicoline, in the U.S. this available over the counter in many products, including energy drinks, and it is claimed to help with mental alertness and memory. I do not see any discount offers on their site, which is normal for these kinds of products, they charge a premium price for something that is not actually proven to help with anything. If you want to try Citicoline to see if it helps you, or someone you love, there is no need to pay outrageous prices. As I said, it is available in many products, all you need to do is go to any local drug or vitamin shop and ask them where their selection of it is located. You can get one for a much better ...
My daughter is walking on her toes and I have heard about this medicine that it can help her tto walk on her whole feet and It might be problems in her brain. Does it have sides effect if the person who is taking this medicine does not have any problems in the brain. ## CerAxon contains the active ingredient Citicoline, which in the US isn't used as a medication. It is an over the counter supplement, used in some energy drinks or sold as supplement tablets. Some children normally walk on their toes for awhile, how old is your daughter? Have you tried talking to a doctor about your concerns? ## Hi Wervon, Thank you for your respond. She is 15 month old. Her doctor never see a problem. He even has not recognize scarlet fever before, he said it will go away, it might be a virus. I thin...