Cepro Lyrica St. 11 Rf , Feet , Underneath Numbness ?


On Lyrica 150mg .x 1 , Cepro 500 mg for UTI , feet underneath numbness , swollen , stopping Lyrica R/o
side effect from either ?
Rad . Nephrectomy , Rad . Colonectomy , splenectomy .

3 Replies

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Only your physician can say for sure, but most likely they are side effects of the Lyrica, according to what's listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood swings and weight gain.

The typical side effects of Cipro are listed as including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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The mood swings , how about the terrible change of ones whole personality .
Never experienced this sense of agitation , depression . The one thing I miss is the ability to sleep all night like a baby . Weaned off , back to normal , swelling of fingers a problem no more . This was not the drug for me , every place I had an old injury there was swelling .

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On a much lower dose of Lyrica , the depression with mood swiping that bordered on the lowest .. Am absolutely positive it was the Lyrica . Without it , I experienced
none after a wk. off of this drug , agitation , not able to sleep like with that drug . Wanted to completely dump it , went back on 50 mg . Feet still have the numbness underneath where I had damage from accidents .

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