Cephalexin Uses (Top voted first)


Can 500 milligrams of Cephalexin treat bacterial vaginosis? I have a prescription for it & have been diagnosed with BV. Just want to know if it will treat that particular infection?

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Can cephalexin treat BV (bacterial vaginosis)?? I have the red capsules currently and BV is very common for me just wondering if I can save a trip to the doctor...

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My doctor gave me Cephalexin 500mg capsules for my UTI but I have a cough too, so is Cephalexin ok for me to take? My daughter has a cough too. Is it ok to share this medicine with my daughter as well?

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My dog is 12 pounds and he was prescribed cephalexin for a skin infection. What is the correct dose for him?

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I am 14 weeks pregnant now and suffering from a severe cold and sneezing. I took Cetrizine but it had no effect. Which antibiotic will be safe for the baby? Cephalexin 500mg?

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Hello, Jen! How are you?

If this is the antibiotic that your doctor has prescribed, then you should take it, as instructed.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.

Which one is prescribed can depend on the type of bacteria that has caused the infection and its severity.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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