Celestone Forums

Recently active Celestone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Celestone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Hi, my daughter of 7 years, she is experiencing epilepsy and I would like to know if it's because when she was 2 and half years old I gave her celestone for the asthma she was suffering from? ## I doubt that it would cause it so many years later, if it was due to the Celestone, it would most likely have occurred while she was taking it, or soon after she was done taking it. Have the doctors done any other testing? Did they detect any brain lesions or other abnormalities?

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in allergic cold i have no alternative than to make use of celestone and polaramine tablet. how manydays i can handle with this? what is side effect. with fear in mind abt drug i have consumed only 1 tab each daily for 2 days and later alternate day. is there any other undisputed drug to treat allergic cold?
