Ceftriaxone Forums
Recently active Ceftriaxone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ceftriaxone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi. I have stomach pains (from a possible stomach infection) and it's been days. They gave me Triaphin 250mg. Will it help me? ## Hi Prudy, Sorry to hear about your stomach pain. Did the prescribing doctor provide any diagnostics to help determine whether you actually have an infection or not? From what I've researched, Triaphin (Ceftriaxone) 250mg isn't a particularly well known antibiotic, possibly because it's often referred to as an injection, but the active ingredient is reportedly used for treating a variety of bacterial infections. If you do in fact have an infection present, I don't see why this antibiotic wouldn't help under your doctor's recommendation to take it. However, something to keep in mind is that stomach cramps/pains are listed as a potent...
aristozyme ## Fever between 99 to 102 fluctuates thrice daily, whooping cough, redness arround eyes during fever, nose block and toung sore. Loosing appetite feel thirsty. I am 4 years old ## Hi, I am having stomach problem where in my stools are not quite proper. I was also suffering from mild loose motions I was suggested to take in arsitozyme syrup, i want to know is there any side effect of taking the foresaid syrup ## Monocef contains the active ingredient Ceftriaxone, which is used to treat bacterial infections. The NIH Lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Manish, the syrup may cause stomach upset, feeling of sickness, and rash. Can you please clarify regarding your stools not being proper?
I want to know the schedule category of ceftriaxone, which is used as an antibiotic in dry powder form? ## Good morning sir/madam. Can Ceftriaxon sodium treat piles? If not, which other antibiotics can help treat external or internal piles? Thanks.
whats the use? ## Antibiotics are used to help treat or prevent infections. If there is an infection bacteria causing the diarrhea then it would be used to help rid the body of the infectious bacteria, such as that which caused Typhoid. You can read more on antibiotics here: Are there any questions or comments? ## my 11 year daughter getting fever since 2days. we used crocine and ampiciline tablets but no use, eveinig she got fever with out shivaring or acute body pains, please suggest medicine ## PLEASE NAME THE 52 UNCURABLE DISEASES ## my son 9 yrs old, has fever 104 and does not come down even after giving meftal p. doc says he has typhoid and will take time to cure.its 6 days since he became ill. ceftriaxone is being given by the doc as inj.how can my son get well soon. ## My 10 yea...
For what purpose is this injection (Ceftriaxone) given? Looking for any details about this drug. ## Why would monocef injection be given to a 18 months old infant with a problem of Acute Gastroeteritis? ## I am suffering from vaginal infection since 1 month. Dr prescribed me amoxyclav 625, itraconazole, v wash, and candid b. Still problem continued. Then Dr prescribed me Monocef 1 g IV. After some time I started feeling irritation again. Now what next? ## Monocef (Ceftriaxone) is used in the treatment of various bacterial infections (it is an antibiotic drug). In the United States the brand of this drug is called Rocephin. I was once given a shot of this in the emergency room when there was a red line traveling up my arm. The needle was large and it was painful. I also remember that I h...
Hi I m sopi...I m married for 8 months...i had regular periods before marriage...after 3 months of marriage I developed uti..and taken ceftriaxone..after that my periods were irregular...I m delayed for 15 days every month..2 upt test negative..I want to have baby..what to do to get my periods regular I'm ## Hello, Pinky! How are you? I am very sorry about the problems you're experiencing. Are you periods late, or did your cycle just change? As reported by the NIH, many antibiotics can lengthen your cycle, which could result in your cycle change and it may not always go back to its prior schedule. In other words, are you always going 45 days, or so, between periods, or they still a regular time span apart and just 15 days off of what your cycle was, before you took the antibiotic?
Hello my name is Dee. I am a c 6-7 quadriplegic and I have ongoing uti's because I have an indwelling Foley catheter. I have developed Steven Johnsons Syndrome from Septra 2 yrs ago. Now I'm being treated for another uti and I was on Ceftriaxone and developed a severe reaction from it. So I've been prescribed Cypro but I'm scared to take it. I had ceftriaxone yesterday afternoon and doc gave me cypro for today. Should I wait till tomorrow or will it mess up my progression of getting better? ## Hello, Dee! How are you? You should be able to just make a smooth switch from one antibiotic to the other, unless your doctor has directed otherwise. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. ...
we want full information about monocef 200mg, levoflox 500mg and aflatam 0.4mg. what for the medicines are? why to consume these medicines? for what health problem and for what diseases do we use these medicines? ## Monocef is listed as containing the active ingredient Ceftriaxone, which is a Cephalosporin class antibiotic that's used to treat various types of infections. Learn more: Levoflox contains Levofloxacin, which is a Fluoroquinolone class antibiotic that's used to treat infections. Learn more: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find anything listed under the name Aflatam. Do you know anything else about it, such as the active ingredient? ## we want full information about monocef 200mg, Meftal Fort Tab Zylera 5mg and injection Vovran 75 mg what for the medicines are? wh...
about actions of monocef ## Monocef contains the active ingredient Ceftriaxone, which is a Cephalosporin class antibiotic that's used to treat various types of infections. Learn more Monocef action details here. Are there any other comments or questions?