Cefalexina Is Antibiotic?
UpdatedIs antibiotic?
3 Replies
Yes, it is Cephalexin, used to treat various types of infections.
Common side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, skin rash and drowsiness.
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im in mexico and got lab test that i had histolytica and bacteria -bacilos 35% ans cocos 65%. dr put me on metronidazol-400mg 3x a day for five days and also secnidazol -500mg for 4 days twice a day.
after waiting 10 days i went back to lab . the new results were negative on the histolytica but the Bacilos was 40% and Cocos 60%. the dr then put me on 4 days , 3 x a day 500mg of Cefalexina. does this sound right. im so concerned about taking more antibiotics bcos they create alot of pain in my gastrointestinal track. what do you think, please? are there alternatives.
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