Cardiotek-RX Forums

Recently active Cardiotek-RX forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Cardiotek-RX and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I would like to know if cardiotex rx make you gain weight ## no. If anything you will have more energy from the B12 - to exercise and lose weight. :) ## i want to gain weight ## Hi please help my brother is losing weight so he need something to gain weight fast please help ## This is an over the counter multivitamin supplement, so it is not guaranteed to help with anything, other than a deficiency in the vital nutrients that it contains, though the FDA does warn that it can sometimes cause nausea due to its potency. Mapule, why is he losing weight?

4 REPLIES Updated

I have taken Cardiotek (on cardiologist's advice) for 11 years. The price has almost tripled during that time. With insurance, I can buy prescription drugs cheaper than that so my question is: What are the differences between the two - Cardiotek and Cardiotek Rx? ## Here's the link to the manufacturer's website, that lists the ingredients in both: Stewart-Jackson Click Here

1 REPLY Updated