Cardiotek-rx Details
UpdatedDoes Cardiotek-RX increase blood flow in both women and men?
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I have taken Cardiotek (on cardiologist's advice) for 11 years. The price has almost tripled during that time. With ...
On physcian's advice, I have taken OTC Cardiotek for many years. The price has more than doubled since I started tak...
Is the dosage strength equivalent? What if any difference are there between the two besides price? ## The active ingredi...
yellow oval tablet ## This is Clarithromycin 500mgs, a generic for Biaxin, this is an antibiotic. ## i was given this fo...
What is this pill called ## Based on the description provided, this is a Canadian medication by the name of Rhoxal-Metfo...
white with RX724 ## Can you tell me what this pill is? It is white, oblong with RX724 printed in black on one side. I ha...
white pill ## need to know if this is an antibotic thanks ## Did you ever find out if this was an anibiotic? Is this a c...
Are there any differences between the RXP 500 and the M 500 Metformin pills besides one is bigger than the other? ## Hi ...
I have been taking the QUALITEST 10-325 for pain I have incurred due to Scleroderma, Osteoarthritis, Raynauds, PPAH, ETC...
little white pill ## what little white pill has the imprint code RX 7? ## Lorezepan. A sedative. ## The correct name is ...