Cape Coral Medicare Docs Who Will Prescribe Pain Meds
UpdatedCan someone recommend a pain dr or regular dr who will prescribe hydrocodone or something similar and that pharmacies will fill the prescriptions at? I was going to walgreens until all the sudden they couldnt fill anymore and told me my dr has to be affiliated w hospital. I have been on 5 a day for 3 years now or so which is no longer even working for my pain but nobody will fill prescriptions here and I am afraid to tell my dr it doesnt work anymore, i was just approved disability and now have medicare and CAN FINNALY switch to a dr and not have to pay $200 a month. My current pain providers nurse has been scaring me though tells me if i switch doctors that they will take me off of ALL my meds and make me do IV's and stuff, which i dont understand because I have pain EVERYWHERE so how will that work? will i get shot up everywhere in my body? Lol.
4 Replies
Well, if you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis, you will need to see a pain management specialist, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, so you won't be able to see a regular GP for them.
And the nurse is likely right, a new doctor will want you to try other options and no, the shots are actually put into your spine, to put the medication directly into the nerves.
As to Walgreen's policy, I have no information on that, you'd need to discuss it with them.
Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
So theyll give injections into spine for tendon pain in arms and feet?theyd actually cause someone to go into withdrawal ?wow
When a patient has chronic pain located in the back, neck or even pelvic area, a common treatment to try would be an injection of medication directly into or near the spine. There are also medications that could be injected into the knee, shoulders and even the feet for foot pain. These procedures are quite successful for some folks. Usually, these therapies are compliments to the medication the patient is taking. Unless it cures the pain completely that is. The Dr doesn't stop the medication. At least in my near fifteen years of experience attending pain management treatment I've not met a soul whose pain medication was taken away because they underwent one of these epidural or spinal infusion treatments. So, don't worry about that. I'm not a doctor or nurse but from experience and research, you might benefit from an extended release narcotic at this point. Five hydrocodone every day, 365 days for three years would probably be better taking one or two tablets of extended release per day or perhaps a patch worn on the skin which releases the medication evenly over a 24 hour period. You'll need your Dr to refer you to a pain manager in town. Best of luck to you!!
Wait im confused. I have already been being treated by pain management i have been on the norco for about 3 years and they forced me to take the long acting ms contin which i didnt want hut they said it was a law i had to take both and half the time mobody would fill the ms contin caused me to lose my government job. I cant work on the long acting meds they make me too tired so i was just taking the ms contin at night time but now nobody will fill any schedule 2 drugs anywhere ive called 25 stores today as well as gone to bout 6 others and all refuse to fill them they say they dont have it in stock but some will fill the norco only but yet its supposed to be a law to take both so how are they allowed to only fill one?I asked about a regular dr because my old pharmacist told me and gave me a list of primary care doctors who are still prescribing pain meds as in Florida u can get them from regular doctors if u have a certain license. I dont want IV's. ive tried them in my feet before and they dont work at all. Ive heard hundreds of stories about those IV's not working for chronic pain including from my mother. They only help if u have for instance a kink in your neck and you arebunable to move otherwise they are worthless. I am just leary to switch doctors if they are going to make me go into withdrawals. I have to work part-time now and work from home now since i got absolutely nobody anymore and i cannot work on the stronger meds they make me too tired. Thats why i was happy w the norco alone but they wont increase it even though im only on 5 a day for the last 2 years and have built a tolerance obviously.
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