Can't Remember Taking My 4mg Dose Of Warfarin Today
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I can't remember taking my 4mg dose of Warfarin today. I have a mechanical heart valve and my INR is stable and tested every 3 months.. Shall I take 4mg now which would mean if I have taken it earlier, I will have taken 8mg today?

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Great idea about the phone. Thank you.

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Hello, Allan! How are you?

This is something you should really check with your doctor about, it would be remiss of anyone else that isn't familiar with your medical history to try to advise you. However, your doctor will be able to let you know what you should do in such instances.

Learn more Warfarin details here.

In the future, you need to find a way to keep track of whether or not you've taken it. In my case, since I found myself frequently forgetting, I use an application on my phone that alerts me when it's time to take my medication and it keeps nagging, until I check off that I've actually taken it. The action leaves me with no doubt as to whether or not I've missed a dose.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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