Can't Find Oxycontin 60mg At Any Pharmacy
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I am recovering from an intense spinal surgery and was given an rx for 60 mg oxycontin. I filled it last month at my regular CVS, but they said it was removed from the books, they even called other CVS who checked and said it was removed from their books as well, guessing that CVS doesn't carry it anymore.
After checking with 10 different pharmacies, no one has it. One said they haven't had to order that in a long time.
I didn't think it was that unusual. But where in the world can I get this filled? Walgreens is not an option as they are not a part of my insurance plan.
4 Replies
Here's a new one try methadone maintence it relieves your supposed pain and treats the underlying predisposition . Anyone willing to go to the extremes you folk do NO ONE IN MY OFFICE THATS LEGIT EVER EXPERIENCES SUCH INSANE ISSUES AND IMPEDEMENTS WITH A CLASS 2 CDS Rx. Interventional pain management, pain pump implants are an option if u desire relief and not just that EUPHORIA.
Have u thought of tier change ask your insurance if they do it!!! if they change tier but your Doctor has to show you need it on a form. Lower tier - means lower OUT of pocket to you
You may have to pay cash and go to a smaller "mom and pop" pharmacy...... after years of CVS I was DONE !!!! And the pharmacies that take your insurance.... if they say "Well, we haven't had to order that in a long time."
Reply " Well, it's your lucky day... order up."
If you have a legitimate prescription from a legitimate doctor that they can even call.... you may just have to play hardball with them and order your meds.... wait the time.... and introduce yourself by name to the pharmacist.
Let them know this will be your regular medecine and your regular routine. I've even gone so far as to say " If your not comfortable with this, then I will go elsewhere, I understand". But yes.... now days getting the meds you need is next to performing a Circ Du Solei act.......... but I need to live my life and function with the human race and simply.....
Get out of bed ( would be nice..huh?) So you've got to get past the shaming that goes along with chronic pain and it's treatments, and smile when you meet the pharmacist.
Hope you get relief
I went to a local low cost pharmacy. They had and could order it. The cost was 600. But because insurance was charged from cvs 1600 a month they would not pay 600. They would only pay 300. I got member services saying this makes no sense. This pharmacy is a 1,000 cheaper a month and you won't allow me to get it. They found a lil store I had never seen. They did have to order and put the price at 1600 then insurance covered it. I was so pissed that just for me they would say 12,000 a yr now we know why ppl can't afford insurance. I'm too tired of fighting to locate, now after calling insurance they were able to find a pharmacy that will order in advance and I won't have any issues. Now come January the insurance will probably contract another pharmacy as they do every year. Best advice call member services on insurance card.
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