Cannot Get My Methadone Script Filled In Jacksonville Florida (Top voted first)
UpdatedBecause the DEA is Treating pharmacies like drug Dealers and blocking their supply chain, I cannot find any Pharmacy in Jacksonville FL. That has it in stock. My Doctor has Be practicing medicine for over 30 years & I've been under his care for 8 years. And never used to have any problem getting my medication, but now the DEA is Treating big pharmacies like CVS just like Drug Dealers. So the sick disabled People living in Chronic pain are suffering. This will never Change. Made if Enough People call their Senators and Congress People and complain every day it might work. I've been doing it I Wish more People would do the same. Something has got to Change. If you are not having a problem. Get ready the DEA is more powerful now than Ever before. PLEASE help
The pharmacies in the Jacksonville Florida area will just look at the prescription and say we don't have any. Knowing that 95% Of them are lying. The DEA has caused so much fear that the pharmacist would just rather lie to you. In Florida The DEA is Doing Drug Raids on Major pharmacies, Wallgreens just had This happen, CVS Had it Happen and are Now Fighting them in Court. The target pharmacy I have use for 4 Years is no longer filling my Doctors prescriptions Because it's only a half a mile from the doctor office.And every body would go there to get their prescription filled. And my Doctor isn't a Drug dealer he has been practicing medicine for Over 25 years. He gives Drug test if you are on a control substance. But The DEA has caused so much fear now the DEA is making healthcare choices for you and me. We All Must Take A Stand And Say Enough is Enough. Call Every Senator, Congress person, every elected person, the governor If We don't it will only get Worse. Together we can stop This, people are suffering. I hope you will Join me in calling and making complaints, Send letters and emails. Call at least every week. I have started This but it will take all of us to make a change!! Please don't stand by and let This happen. This should not happen in America
I've had the same problem for last 3 months. Fortunately for me my prescription is written by a Shands Hospital doctor so I can fill mine at the hospital pharmacy. I usually try to fill it somewhere else first because methadone is cheap and it takes about 3 to 4 hours at the hospital Pharmacy. But the last 3 months I've been forced to fill it at the hospital because I can't find it anywhere in Jacksonville. The pharmacists all tell me there's a nationwide shortage. I wish the law makers could go thru the pain & withdrawal for just 5 minutes. I know there are people abusing the system but it's not fair to the people who are in legitimate pain & need the medicine.
Finding the same problem. Going to start bombarding the law makers. There is going to be a lot of people in the E R if this does not stop. Then it will cost the state money and the government. I am tired of being treated like a drug addict! Just need my pain to go away. If they could fix it any other way I would be happy. I have tried everything else and thus is what makes my quality of life good!
I completely agree. I have been in pain mangmnt 4 10yrs now after 2 hideous back to back wrecks. I have 3 discs in lower back&every single 1 in my neck herniated. I am on methadone & roxicodone & have been physically in every winndixie,cvs,walgreens,target&publix. No one will ADMIT that they have it if they do. I went to WinnDixie 4 8 yrs but they are no longer filling any of these scripts so I am stuck sick hoping 4 a miracle. The more $$ spent on gas the less I have to pay 4 no insurance medicine. I went to my doc on the 22nd & still have no meds. I can't live like this. The DEA is who's killing people. If not for my daughter I would just give up. I can't take the pain & the SEVERE withdrawals...God help me & the rest in this sinking ship...
I live in phila pa and I have been taking methadone for 6 years for major knee pain. I have hAd three major knee surgeries and it still hurts as bad as it did before the fist surgery also I do drywall installation for work witch doesn't help matters and I can't get my methadone prescription filled anywhere I never had this problem in my life the pharm lady said the dea is only allowing them so much medication to be delivered to them that is so wrong for us the pain patient that is just trying to live a normal quality of life. Well just another freedom being takin away from in America. When will it end? Never if we don't fight back
Im in agrrement about taking a stand. if my meds arent delivered to pharmacy by Friday Im bout ready to do a "Sit In" like folks did in 60"s and make some noise. bbut Im not, I will however, take a risk by giving out my address in hopes that other will contact me & start some type of group. At what point is this discrimination?>?? Valid Point?
I also have chronic pain RSD/CRPS and I am unable to get my prescription filled. I don't know what I am going to do. I am so scared that this is going to spiral down to what it was like right after I was in a motorcycle accident that left me disabled.
I want to know who to write to, who will actually take this situation seriously and will deal with it. I picture some official tossing my letter into the garbage can so they can get back to doing nothing. Who do I write to, I will try it.
Sue I would start by calling Both senators, and call your local Congress person, you can get all the phone numbers from the internet. And call the white House. Because The DEA works for the DOJ and Obama would have to do Something. It's going to take us calling enough before Something will change, But if we all stay together and tell them that if it Keeps going On I will Vote for someone else. We must stick together
I have found out from a friend If You Go To CVS And they tell you that they will not fill for your Doctor, it's a lie. My Friend had that happen to him last week, So He Asked What the store # was and the Name Of the Pharmacist. Then He called CVS Corporate And told them that He Cannot Get his Methadone Filled At this CVS Because They Don't Fill For His Doctor. CVS Corporate told him That The Only Reason Not Fill The Medication would be if they didn't have it are if Something was wrong with the prescription. So he gave all the information to CVS Corporate and told them that he was being discriminated against. So CVS corporate told him To go back To the store and they would Call the cvs store. So My friend went back about 15min later And they filled Every Script he had. So if this happens to you Now We Know What To Do. It's Time For The Pharmacists to Stop Lying. & Stop The Fear Of The DEA
Listen fellow PM suffers, I've been doing a good bit of research on this whole problem. I didn't know this was going on til May of this year when DEA audited Panama Pharmacy and they decided I was high risk so they wont fill for me anymore .I went to 20 or so pharmacies in one day and was given some cracker jack excuses so I called Panama n begged them to take me back. They said they were running background checks on any all PM patients now. We had a lengthy conversation because of the way I was turned away without any help, recommendations or explanation. Not to mention the Pharmacist on duty questioned me about who pays for my doctor and my meds, when did I loose my cobra, why I didn't go to PM Doctor in Nassau County, etc. Full Blown interrogation while I had 3 people in line breathing down my neck and listening to me go over my medical history (violation of HIPPA) !!!I then replied," so if I failed to pay a traffic ticket and was arrested, I can no longer get medical treatment in the US?" I walked out of there feeling like I was grilled by the FBI in front of a bunch of stranger. This after going to them off and on for many years without any issues. The owner told me he struggles reading the Backgroung check so if he sees any arrest on your record, he just wont fill. Or the wont for me. I spoke to State Representative Janet Adkins who referred me to Ander Crenshaw. She said she though I could take my medical records to him and he could forward to DEA and get me some type of clearance. Makes me a little nervous dealing with Feds so Im gonna ask my doctor what he thinks I should do before I open a can of worms with those fine folks. You see I do have extensive criminal history but Im not a drug dealer, never was in my wild days either. My house is clean for the first time in a long time and Im so ready to take these guys on but not alone. Im going to attend this Republican Liberals meeting next month and discuss this issue with some of those guys as well as my doctor before I make another move. Rep. Adkins said she would back me and help me any way she can. So, I suggest we all find out who are politicians are in your area of FLA and put your first request in at State level. Gain their support THEN move to Federal level. We can complain all day but no one with any authority is reading these post. Matter of fact, Ive been saving any newspaper articles about this and The head guy at FDLE was quoted as saying he didn't get many of these complaints, if any? (that contradicts itself doesn't it).Im gonna created a address for this issue and post it in a few if anyone has questions or needs help Im more than happy to help. DEA clearance isn't the answer bc at the end of the day there is a shortage but it may help me get in a pharmacy to use when my new pharmacy is out until we find another solution.
Maria, Also when you call Cvs Corporate tell them that you Fill At This Store Every Month Without Any Problems. And If You Are Disabled tell them that also, And you are being discriminated Against by the Pharmacist That is filling in for the Pharmacist That always fills for you. Make sure you get the store # And the Name Of the Pharmacist That will not Fill your medication. Cvs Corporate will Need this information. And you Should get helped... if Not Do you have Insurance because Smart Pharmacy Will Fill 160qty and when you use them you can go back and get the rest on another script. Good luck. If we all will Call Senator Bill Nelson & the Florida Congress people the governor and Tell them How The DEA is causing people to suffer, and we will Vote Against them in the next Election If they don't Help Stop This
My boyfriend is a quadriplegic who has had chronic nerve damage in his sacrum from a bedsore he had gotten when he first got in his accident in 2003 he now has another sore he got from a huge biopsy about a year ago to look for the source of the problem, he is also taking oxycodone and lidoderm patches and lidocain cream and has had a nerve block all which don't help him as much as his methadone. He has been using Winn Dixie for years now they all know us by name and now they are telling us that he can only get 180 instead of his 200 methadone monthly, and reading the posts I'm scared that will change to be even worse. If he couldn't get his methadone he will die he has been on it 9 years now and his doctor said it would be very dangerous for him to have withdrawals it will probably kill him. He also fell out of his wheelchair a few years ago and broke both femurs and tibia's and they hurt him also as well as his neck where he had a plate and screws put in to stabilize his spines. His pain is real because when his meds wear down at night he has me rub his sacrum every five minutes and can't eat sleep or even talk to me, its terrible to watch it and I feel so bad for him. He actually needs to go up on his prescription but is having a hard time getting his doctor to raise them again because the doctor is scared also of getting in trouble. It's terrible and I'm scared of what will happen. If you happen to have a case we will join or go on the news or what ever we can to help. Please let us know.
Jeannine and Byron
I'm going to have to change doctors or something, I really would hate to change doctors, I've been going to this doctor for 8 years, if you could can you email me your doctors name.So i could have a good doctor to see if I change. My email is {edited for privacy}...We should all call every Congress person, senators, the governor and complain. If we don't Let them Know what a problem this is they will never try to help us. I've called Senator bill Nelson, and some Congress people. But it will take enough people calling to get the change we need. And ask everyone you know to call and complain. Together we can stop this. Thank you
ya i have a disabled husband and two sons with spine disease cant even get there medicine and they are pissing out there ass and throwing up and shaking and i have to see this im waiting for one to quit breathing on me . if they no this medicine is life and death why do they do this.
Same problem in Jax no methadone so what Ive done is I found one (1) pharmacist in whole county, that will keep me abreast as much as she can legally. I can no longer drive and this particular Big Box store no longer holds class 2 RX. You have to come in daily to see if they "ARRIVED" SO I go to that store 2 x's per day to check if available. Got my RX on the 3rd, it's the 22nd and Ive gotten a 60 partial fill so far. I don't know how effective this is but Im documenting this in hopes that someone will listen, that can do something. Went thru same thing last month You tell your loved one whats going on and no one can wrap their head around the issues Im describing just seems cruel and unethical. Docs may as well use their diplomas as a pc of toilet paper bc their determinations about THIER patients is totally being ignored!! Winn Dixie said they wouldn't fill for my doc but could fill his non-narcotic RX??? They cant get their lies accurate and are playing GOD???? Is the Good ole US of A??? Let me shut up, this makes me emotional and its too early to get mad on a Saturday unless you can sleep because of..........Im done.
They said the same thing about my doctor..who has been in practice over sister goes to the same doc as I do but takes a diff type class 2 medicine (she has cancer)..(I have 2/3 herniated lower back disc & everyone in my neck is)..but as they don't know that my sister has cancer when she goes to get her script filled, they told her "Hun u need to get a REAL doctor." She immediately called him and told him what they said so he must have called and threatened discrimination or something, because the Walgreens immediately started back pedaling on their lies and all sudden COULD FILL HIS MEDICATION LAST MONTH..of course she had to go thru the same exact thing again This month....what a total absurd mess....This is nothing I haven't heard from WinnDixie,Walgreens&CVS's everywhere. But they are discriminating against ALL pain mgmnt docs from what I've heard...
Thank You Verwon For even trying to help, and i agree there was a problem with people coming from other states and selling them. But that problem has been stopped by the DEA shutting down the pill Mills that was in central Florida. But if you have a Florida Driving licensing And have been going to the same doctor for years. The Pharmacies Should Not Be Told What And how Many They Can fill. The DEA Should Not Be Making Healthcare choice. I've been going to the same doctor for 8 years and have all the MRI'S and Laboratory Test to Prove that I'm Disabled And Every month I'm Worried If I'm Going To Be Able To Fill My Legal Prescription Because Of The DEA
ATTENTION! I WOULD like to thank the couple who suggested calling the corporate office when a chain pharmacy says the doctor's name makes them uncomfortable. The regional manager for this particular pharmacy came all the way out to assist me after i made the call. The pharmacist still gave me the stink eye for reporting it, but my other option was to pay $570 for a $35 medication at a private pharmacy. Most disturbing was said private pharmacy's clientele, the worst of which was a blatently intoxicated girl with no shoes, fighting with her boyfriend, cussing loudly about cops and trying to show me her abcesses on her legs while educating me on the value of her little blue pills (which she paid over $500 for after complaining that she "can't afford that f'ing much!"). Let me reiterate that it was NOT the professional, wonderful pharmacy that helped me where this other travesty occurred. People like her and the doctors and pharmacies who continue to serve these people are the reason why those of us with searing, level 8 pain, in compliance and in need of real treatment to have functional lives, can't fill legitimate prescriptions.
My thoughts exactly Maria!! And to the regulars here, PLZ send emails or make appointments to see your state reps, congress etc for your area. There are many sites to tell u who represents ur area of FLA by putting in ur zip. I got a response on the second email(state rep) they can tell you where to go from there. Just don't forget, these r politicians n will tell u what u want to hear but u at least have documentation to build on!
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