Cannot Get My Methadone Script Filled In Jacksonville Florida (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Because the DEA is Treating pharmacies like drug Dealers and blocking their supply chain, I cannot find any Pharmacy in Jacksonville FL. That has it in stock. My Doctor has Be practicing medicine for over 30 years & I've been under his care for 8 years. And never used to have any problem getting my medication, but now the DEA is Treating big pharmacies like CVS just like Drug Dealers. So the sick disabled People living in Chronic pain are suffering. This will never Change. Made if Enough People call their Senators and Congress People and complain every day it might work. I've been doing it I Wish more People would do the same. Something has got to Change. If you are not having a problem. Get ready the DEA is more powerful now than Ever before. PLEASE help

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Maria.. I'm Not Sure What the # is But You Can Find It On The Internet, and some Pharmacist will Only fill 160. So what you have to Do is get your Doctor to split them up On 2 prescriptions. Your Doctor can write each one for 2 week supply. But I would Call CVS corporate as my friend did and tell them the problem you are having

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First off, I have a hard time following my post and response but I can see people are wanting number for congress etc. I notice a lot of people saying to call or sign petitions which is great but where are these petitions going. When I began looking into this in May every government office I called blew smoke up my ass and told me they would pass the messeage on. That's IF I could actually get thru. I have yet to get anyone at DEA to answer. A pharmacist finally told me how to get thru to someone (government) locally, after he told me he couldn't fill my RX. After my last post, I noticed a few folks getting nasty because I didn't post #'s and such for them and suggested I stop Bulls***ting and those are the type of people we DONT need calling governmental offices and give other PM patients a bad rap. I graduated from the school of hard knocks, been to prison, etc. and even though my house is clean today, it makes me a little nervous dealing with this honest, do-gooding government of ours. Because of my past legal issues, I thought it would help to find someone that deals with our local Congressman daily and that is why my first written request was sent to the State Representative in my area. It took two emails and some Name Dropping to get her attention. She called Panama Pharmacy (they quite filling my RX's after their DEA audit in May of this year) and demanded an explanation because it is illegal for your regular Pharmacist to stop filling perscritions without valid explanation (unless they suspect you of selling or abusing you RX) OR referring you to another Pharmacy that will help you. Panama pretty much shut the Rep down by stating the issue was a Federal issue, not State. But it help the Rep understand what's been happening because if you try to explain this to people that haven't been directly affected, they usually think your bat-s*** crazy or lying. Anyway, the Rep told me which Congressman to call and told me to have my medical records ready to take into his office and then he would call DEA and get me some type of clearance. When I called to make appointment with this Congressman I was met with much resistance from his receptionist. She told me that he couldn't break the laws just because he worked for the government. I had to explain the situation several times because the woman could barely speak English and as we were wrapping up the call I asked her" So are you telling me I can not make an appointment to discuss this matter with him" She changed he tune at that point and replied with a "I did not say that, you should call baxk this afternoon when his assistant is in and he can set up appointment for you" That afternoon my great aunt had a stroke so I never called back. Things have gotten back to normal now and I intend to call in the morning for appointment. Again DEA clearance is great but there truly is a shortage or a smaller number being distributed after Cardinal Health, the state largest med dist. had their DEA # suspended earlier this year for dispensing too many narcotics. To find out who the politician are for your area of Florida, go to: - my email: {edited for privacy} if you can see my email address, feel free to contact me for any questions or if you need help with your request. Keep in mind that when you address this fine folks, do like you would if you were addressing a Judge and use "the honorable state representative joe some" I think? you may want to google it. Will update as soon as I get a response from email I send in the morning.

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I Can tell you If you call Cvs Corporate and explain your problems they will Help you Because you are being Discriminated Against. I wish i had the Number My friend called, but it is on The Internet, And they can see you are a regular customer that Need Your medication. Please look for the Number And call. Let me Know if it works, if Not I will get the Number you need.... GOOD LUCK

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THANK GOODNESS for whoever got CVS's attention. Personally used them on a regular basis since 2006 but I'm happy to see so many others getting their meds without being treated as a second class citizen. Unfortunately I choose Panama and after their DEA audit in May, they chose to not fill for me anymore.and like many others I spent a few days driving to over 20 pharmacies I found a pharmacist at Sams who took the time to explain what was going on n the few options I had. So I chose to just go there n if the were out of stock, i just wait. When she was out last week I decided to try Beach Blvd store. They told me it was on Backorder which was a lie. So next time that happens, I'm going to call corporate n see if it helps like it did with CVS. The withdrawals n all are bad but my life has been on hold since this began. I was suppose to go out of town this last weekend for God-daughter volleyball game n a little RnR but had to cancel at last minute. This is trickling down n causing friends n family to suffer as well. My problem is when I finally get RX filled I put my calls into congress/government on the back burner bc I have to catch up on obligations I ignored while out of meds n not feeling well. That's just putting a band-aid on the problem.PS I got like 30 emails frm here that say I got 30 replays but I can't find them when I get on the site?? Any ideas (if I can find ur suggestion)lol keep on keeping my fellow PM suffers!!

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FYI I didnt call cvs corporate, it was Walmart in my case. Point being, call them ALL! CATCH 22: if you use multiple pharmacies, even with good intentions and spaced properly, they can refuse you. This is such a mess. I got my Methadone but when I tried to get the oxycodone (which i have been tapering by 30 each month), the pharmacist said they dont have it and no plans to order it. Speaking to corporate in the pharmacy made her angry I feel. This is frightening as hell.

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Well, as I mentioned on here I have been experiencing trouble getting both my prescriptions refilled every month.Im beginning to think I made a mistake by naming the place I go & using my real name.... Now that I have put CVS as the name of the place that filled mine for me, this last time I went in (after years of being a regular customer) to get my prescription filled, as I have done always, (but later & later depending on whenever the heck the truck delivers them),,,the main pharmacist comes up to me and says "We are no longer going to be carrying your medication starting next month." But she said she wanted to give me a 30 day notice...My reply was "If you can't get them filled anywhere else 30 days does nothing for me pretty much.." But nicer....It seems that now, CVS are only going to have a few like 1 or 2 stores total that are going to get the shipments for these type drugs..supposedly...I re-told her of all the troubles at even trying to get them filled at the diff. mom & pop places (she) & they always recommend u to go too...when they are telling you they cant fill your medication...I even told her about how not one diff. CVS then THIS ONE RIGHT HERE WHO KNEW ME will fill them for me...she nodded like she understood & said she would try to call to the 1 that may be carrying them next month and would call me within the next week..I am praying she does do this. As its been about 6 days I am worried but I truly cannot afford to go to any other store except for (WinnDixie, Walgreens, or CVS), which are the ones that accept my discount cards that they already have on file...(They won't take new discount cards)..
Anyways, just wanted to update you all that if you were getting them at CVS, you won't be for much longer...I've been there yrs now...and am really worried right now...So now they have found a new way to not give you your needed medication yet again..When will your prescription for your much needed medication that enables you to lead a semi-normal life start being worth about as much as a sheet of toilet paper??? Well it's looking like next month to me...

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With all due respect, if you read all the way back to the beginning of this forum post ( or whatever you call it) most P.M. Legitimate Patients, with their X-rays & the ones being tested regularly and most of us at least 5-10 yrs in Pain Management Already KNOW what's not being said. And yes we are angry. We have been thru all the lies so most of us can spot them. I do know that my pharmacy when they say they are out- the are not lying, they are out. What I said in my posts was that almost every one of the others that I went too were lying... Some I even watched fill for other patients as they told others they had none. Regardless, the point isn't about the snowbirds, more customers, etc, etc. The Main Point is that the DEA has made the supply and demand gap so freaking far apart, it is Nearly impossible for people to get their prescriptions filled. Period.
I don't know what else is left out that you are missing, but I follow this forum and if you ask ill do my best to explain my experience with it. I have X-rays & all pertaining 10 yrs worth of documents if needed... Can tell you the places I've been to attempting to fill and my experiences, responses from ea. technician or pharmacist...

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My mother is having the same problem. She was fine for years and now within last 6 months always being turned away until they get more in usually 3-7 days later. Her Dr writes her prescription as 3 every 6 hours which equates to 12 a day. But he gives her 300 which when you do the math 300/12 is only 25 days worth of meds. 12 x 30 days would be 360. So I will go try to get her meds and they will say, nope she still should have 7 days worth of meds left. Then I explain to them that the prescription is written for only 25 days. They say they don't care. My mother is in wheelchair, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus AND is in her 70s. Yet she is denied her meds and forced to cut down for the last five days to make it until they fill her prescription. I mean WHY prescribe her 12 a day and then she cannot get the 12? I don't get all this but every time I go into Publix to get her meds they "indicate" that she must be abusing. I think this should be illegal saying it out loud where everyone can hear them standing around the pharmacy. NOW to counteract this I KNOW why this is happening because of scum who are abusing and drug dealing. HER OWN son, my brother, is on Medicaid and on methadone. He gets free taxi every day to methadone clinic all on the GOV't TAX dollars. He don't work and then he gets extra other pain pills that he sells for 5$ + a pill. So he gets full welfare, Medicaid, free methadone and then sells drugs! This is all a nightmare.

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Sorry folks, the pharmacy opening in Yulee is for COMPOUND MEDS ONLY! I found out last week.

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We were all aware of the Walgreens plight and its effects on the wellbeing of PM patients, so it is not necessary to further frighten the fragile people on this site. Methadone clinics do NOT cover PM, only addiction management and you are not allowed to take benzodiazapine meds. Many people dont live near a linic or have daily transportation from 6 - 10 am, typical clinic hours. Frustrating read, sorry if you meant well.

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Thank you so much Wendy Lou for offering to help me. I must admit I'm having an even harder time than normal with my jacked up foot and crutches and getting groceries up to the 2nd floor apt.. (Still waiting on that referral to the orthopedic surgeon, or podiatry surgeon....or whatever they call the people that fix ankles...).& it's almost been 2 months.....This is the most pain I've been in for many many years..all combined with the damn crutches killing my back...It's horrendous. I have one idea, but I don't want a lot of people that are NOT LEGIT sending me emails. {edited for privacy}.....If they don't delete all this this then hopefully well at least will be able to get something rolling...I know you, Stephen, Jessica, and the few other people that have already written on this board are legit, for real in pain people that want to do something about this catastrophe in the making so I'm willing to put myself forward with u and they can friend request me/email me as well because as soon as I can get a little better..enough to go digging up alll my records anyways..We, even if it's just us two, can go and do that meeting. I'm dead serious because I do believe peoples lives are at stake and the pharmaceutical company's and DEA couldn't give a rats ass but I care and have the time to help. Well that's all. Good Luck to EveryOne on this forum...Let's see if this info gets through to the site and you can translate it... One of my other posts they held on to for 4 days and then posted it with the wrong date so it'd look like they hadn't held they are ALL monitored Real Well...I wonder by who, and why...ah well...You also see pharmacists coming even to look at these sites. They make up their minds who they believe should get the medicines or not also and after my last one was coincidentally when my normal pharmacist decided to stop just stop straight out even filling mine..Makes me wonder if it's a coincidence or if she's read all this stuff...I don't know honestly bit SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE MORE, the calls aren't working fast enough, So since I'm already screwed I don't mind giving my info out. {edited for privacy}...Good Luck this goes through!

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Gail you are 100% right and I am sooo sorry to hear about that? the elderly are the first to suffer and suffer the MOST because of this!!! They cannot drive forever looking or wait weeks since their bodies are more fragile, ESP if they do have to go through withdrawals. I believe it should be a crime to NOT DISPENSE A LEGALLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATION, NO MATTER WHAT it is..I also agree on the "everyone overhearing your business, that's happened to me countless times when I have a legit problem(s), I want to wip out my X-rays and go Does THIS NOT LOOK LIKE A PROBLEM TO YOU?!? As I hobble on on my crutches....Anyway, I am so sorry for y'all and I agree on the brother issue as well. Those type seem to thrive while the legit patients are soooo NOT!!! The DEA thinks they have fixed a major problem but they have no clue what is going to happen next....the repercussions of their actions are going to create a ripple effect..I mean what are all these ( Not us sane people) but the desperate addicts ones, going to do when they can't get their medicines??? they are going to start robbing, killing, or at the very least using worse heavier drugs...there is always a chain reaction effect. Cause and effect..
Anyway, I wish your family luck. I am so sorry to hear that. It hurts my heart to know the elderly are suffering so badly, at least my heart is strong and if I have to wait 2 wks for a med to be filled I will suffer (beyond all ability to comprehend) but hopefully not die, but the elderly are not so hardy...I will be prayin for y'all. And doing my best to try to figure something out to fix this too....

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Here in this area the pharmacy I was referred to charges $570 for a rx that costs $82 at the chain pharmacies. So I know exactly what you mean. I told them that no one could afford that, just as an obviously impaired, shoeless woman yelling curse words at her boyfriend (in an unrelated argument by mobile phone), was charged a higher fee and whipped the cash right out. You're damn right they price gauge. The same woman who can't afford shoes and is visibly impaired can afford them? Huh. The pharmacist tried to barter down to $440 and I told him to shove it.

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As a medical journal editor/co-author, I wonder if a small contribution, as in a short book with testimonies by patients like ourselves, or a freelance article submitted to a medical journal (even better-- a magazine further reaching like Time or local Healthcare publications), would open some eyes. Just a thought.

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One last thing I forgot. Recently I've picked random areas of the U.S. and researched other places that have had shortages. It seems like we aren't the only state experiencing this. The other states seemed to have the problem for like 6 months but it would eventually get back to normal. It almost seems like the "Powers that Be" are targeting certain regions, putting them under the microscope so to speak, and then move on to the next area. The only difference is our area has been seeing this since Spring 2012 from what I can tell and it's just lingering longer here. AGAIN, this is just from my research, not 100%, I could be totally wrong before someone reads this and has to prove me wrong without going back and reading all of our post and the info we collected so far. Also, it's not just Pain meds. There are many people out there trying to get meds to save their lives and aren't able to. Just another way for Pharmaceutical Co.'s to justify the outrageous prices. for example, my mother has Chron's disease and the meds the doc prescribe are $30,000 . She is having to wait til her Medicare kicks in to get them filled and in the meantime she just has to tough it out. Oh and do you think the manufacturer of Oxy's just figured out a way to make them rubber-like so people couldn't abuse them as easy. 10 years or so after they came out and it became "Hill-billy H" Then immediately following the rubberized Oxy, that same manufacturer introduced us to Roxy's!!!!! OK, Im done, I'll get off the soap box and Im not drinking another cup of coffee this morning!!! Peace.

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I used to live I'm Jax FLA & was able to get my methadone & vicadin at Premier on the corner of 8th & market (its actually on 8th st. Between Market street & Hubbard street In Jax) look up this pharmacy & get directions etc. i know this post is a few months old but i hope it will help someone!!

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So now after many months of research and lots of detective work at mom and pop pharmacies, im convinced thats its not a shortage. Just like the DEA says. There is more than enough medication , to go around. But contrary to what your pharmacy is telling you they can get the products they just prefer not to. And here is why in a nutshell.
Prior to the DEA closing down all the PILL MILLS the pharmacies were filling stacks and stacks of controlled substance and or narcotic prescriptions and a majority of the patients were paying CASH to get those prescriptions filled. At a pretty penny I might add. If my memory serves me correctly, approximately 120 tabs of 80 mg Oxycontin would be about $700 OR MORE easy.
So multiply that one prescription numerous times daily and the pharmacies were really making a good little profit. That kind of money made it worth the trouble of dealing with the problems of filling those medications. And we all know all too well the certain sketchy patients AND their families AND their friends AND aquaintances that often come along to the dr.visit and subsequent pharmacy fill.
Well, now that there arnt so many drs writing so many.prescriptions, all thats left are the critically ill, and bonifide injured and or ill, pain management patients and most of them carry prescription insurance by the way, not cash. So theres another down side, its a case of economics. Its just not worth the trouble to carry and fill these medications. For example. A bottle of 300 tablets of 10 mg methadone costs about $50. Considering all the other medications out there, and the hazards involved in dispensing them its really obvious why the pharmacies are doing what their doing. I mean why keep them in stock when all were going to make is maybe $400 but the possibility of getting robbed and or killed is very real?
I dont agree with it, and I think its wrong, but I honestly cant think of anything to do about it especially when you add dea quotas to the mix. Each pharmacies is only allowed so many tablets of each controlled substance medication each month. And its not a huge amount. Its about a bottle of 500 I think. And it changes frequently. If one customer gets 300 pills, he can run out after 2 customers!!!!! Now you CAN BLAME THE DEA FOR THAT CRAP!!!
All I can suggest is try to form a relationship with a pharmacist prior to the day you get your prescription. Go in and explain your situation 2 wks in advance. So they can get to know you. Unfortunately this medication has created a scary environment for many pharmacies. Many have lost their lives over these pills. And....fill more than just your pain meds there also to make it worth their while. Good luck BTW Yes I live in Jax. Arlington area.

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yes its not just Jacksonville its as far south as MIAMI. No one has Methadone its impossible to get any schedule 2 narcotics for pain. Its due to the quack Dr.s who abused the system and Oxycodone was the predicessor of Oxycontin which caused so many overdoses then the addicts went to 30mg Oxycodone and the DEA went nutso stopped the quantity of what pharmacys could get. Now its everything else and when will it stop. My Doctor who requires me to have drug checks and regulates my timing not a day too soon for a refill. Now I am holding the rx script of methadone no where in the market to get it filled. I am on pain meds dilaudid and methadone for a severe cervical and lumbar back injury. He want to switch me to subuxone this scares me he said I will be sick for a day with withdraw etc....for all you who knows what this is like. It makes you want to shoot yourself the pain is too much.

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yes the elderly and disabled, like my brother, whose body is torn up and he is in constant pain, why does everyone have to pay the price, the withdraws can kill you when u have been on these kind of meds so long and they just take it away, it's genecide, get rid of the poor elderly and disabled save this country will solve a lot of financial problems, makes me sick

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Winn Dixie has found some stupid reason not to fill my prescription now for the past two years. I filled my prescriptions there for 8 years before this recent trend. I went in this past monday and they said they would have my Methadone on Wed the 3rd? I showed up on thursday morning, they had it and then refused saying that"We do not fill this dr.s' prescriptions" They allways find a way!

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