Canex V Cream On Peeled, Irritated Vaginal Skin


I recently had gernital warts on the outside of my vagina. I used wart magic which contained salicylic acid and now my skin peeled off and is causing a burning sensation. Can I use to Canex V cream to soothe the pain as it was suggested to me?

3 Replies

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Hello, Kyla! Very sorry about the problem you're having, that has to be miserable.

But no, please see your doctor and get something that they say is safe for you to use on the area. It is far too easy to get an infection in your pubic area and you could end up making yourself even more miserable by using the wrong thing that could cause even more irritation.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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I had blisters and they were not painful, so I went to the doctor and she gave me doxycline + metrionidazole and a shot but still the infection hasn't gone away. Can I use canex v?

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Good day. I got my genital warts cut. Now my worry is that the vaginal skin is peeling off and the doctor told me to wash it with salt water. The cuts are not drying up. Is it that these cuts are in a moist area or what? What can I use to dry and heal the cuts? Can Canex-v help with the open cuts on my vaginal lips?

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