Canex V Uses


It is itchy in my vagina. It's so irritating and itchy all the time and when i scratch, it leaves me with pain. Today i went to the pharmacy and they gave me canex v, cpl alliance ciprofloxacin 500 and adco - metronidazome 400mg. I dont know if it will work.

13 Replies

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Have you consulted a doctor?

From the symptoms, it seems you may have a severe yeast infection and, if that is the case, the Canex V cream and the Metronidazole, which are both antifungals, may help, but the Ciprofloxacin could actually just make it worse.


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Can canex v cream help me conceive a child?

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Yesterday night I used da canex v cream n this morning I was on periods, is it doing fine does it have to get me in periods to heal?

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I got canex v today n started using it..then it started itching some that normal?

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I am a 21 year old student. I have been having this problem for 2months already. My v is very itchy and painful at times, I have got yellow discharge nd when I look down there I see the white staff stuck in there. Sometimes it goes off like yoghurt. I did go to the clinic and I was told dat is an infection, I should bath with water it will go away. But even today I still have the same problem. I don't know what to do, I am freaking out. Help please

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hi, how to use canvex v cream if you are a male?, because its comes with the pipe

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I used canex V while am on my periods,so evrymorning wen gng to toilet I found it on my underware or tissue,is that normal or wat,I has to come out?

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Hi! I sometimes develop small blisters on my genitals and I don't know the cause as they appear anytime. Sometimes after a month or two they are a little bit painful when I press them or start itching. Can I use canex v cream?

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Hi. I use canex v. It's been 2 days now and I'm feeling some pains in my womb. Is that normal?

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I want to know what to do because I applied canex-v but it is coming out.. Can u please tell me what must I do from now on or if I used it wrong?

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I have a problem with an itching sensation on the inside/outside of the vagina during intercourse. Someone told me to use canex v. Would this be an appropriate treatment option?

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Hi, I want to take a pregnancy test but I’m currently using canex v for thrush. I’d like to know whether the test will be affected in anyway?

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Can I use Canex V to treat warts?

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