Canex V Cream Side Effects (Top voted first)


Hi, I had used canex v cream for the past two weeks, but now I have developed this aching rush and I have noticed white discharge. Is it normal?

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I'm experiencing burning and lot of discharge coming out, and I used canex v cream. How will I be able to tell if i am healed?

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I'm using canex v since Monday this week so I'm starting to have redness and burning outside of my vagina n its painting, so I want to know that I can continue using it or not or its normal.

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I've been using canex v for a yeast infection for about 4 days now. So far I've had an upset stomach and recently started spotting. Should I stop using it?

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Hello, Monica! How are you? I'm sorry about what you're experiencing. Can you please describe your symptoms in more detail?

This cream is normally used to treat yeast infections, so some skin irritation, bleeding and discharge can be normal side effects of it, as listed by the U.S. FDA.

What were you using it to treat?

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morning everyone, am 21 weeks pregnant n have itching n burning urine is it safe to use canex v?

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Hi. I've been using Canex V cream for a yeast infection for two days now. Yesterday I woke up with a severe headache. Today my glands are swollen and my headache still persists... Any advice?

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I have a vaginal rash and it’s very itchy and also causes a white discharge. Which canex cream should I use?

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Hi, I’m on day 3 of using the Canex V cream and I’m having severe abdominal pains. Should I continue using it or will the pain eventually stop on its own? Right now it's unbearable and I can’t walk properly or stand up straight. I also got antibiotics today too, so is it possible to use both of them? Or should I just stop with the cream?

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