Canex V Cream Safe During Pregnancy


Is canex v safe to use during a 5 week pregnancy?

5 Replies

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Hi zeld,

From what I could gather, Canex V is regarded as being safe to use during pregnancy. Although I would still recommend discussing this with your gynaecologist in case he or she has any additional instructions/pointers that you should be aware of.

I hope this helps! :)

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Hi. I am 7 weeks pregnant and I'm experiencing vaginal itchiness. Is it safe to use canex v for a yeast infection during my pregnancy?

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I want to conceive, so my doctor gave me canex v. Will it help me fall pregnant? Also, once I'm pregnant but not aware of it, would canex v harm my unborn child?

Was this helpful? 35

If am pregnant bt not aware than i uses a canex v cream, wt gonna happen to my unborn child? And let say am 3-4weeks pregnant wl my unborn bby still grow well?

Was this helpful? 16

I'm 19 weeks pregnant. I insert canex v cream at night, can I wash it in the morning the following day?

Was this helpful? 3

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