Canada's Gerenric Ocycontin (Top voted first)


I just got a batch of Oxycodone HCL(generic oxycontin) in Ontario Canada and they do not seem to come even close to the original oxycontin.What's going on?I was told by my pharmasist that the ingredients are the same-I used to take 4 80's a year ago and that relieved my pain-Now I am doing 6 80's and it doesn't seem to be close to what they used to be.Is it a matter of getting used to them or what ?help Pls-still in agony Does anyone have a real answer rather than opinions?

3 Replies

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There is a level of allowable fluctuation in generics in both the U.S. and Canada, so you may not be getting quite the same amount of Oxycodone as you were before.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

You might want to discuss upping your dosage, if necessary.

It's also possible that you've just gotten used to the current dosage after taking it for over a year.

Do you take any other medications, or just this?

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just that one-my doc dosn't beleive in anything for breakthru pain-I was told that 5 other companies make them as well-if anyone out there has tried different ones I'd love to hear their opinions and Verwon thanks for your input!

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I just take the 1 kind of painkiller and out of the 3 generics I have had the pms oxycodone seems to be the best

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