Canada Paregoric Purchase


I have ben using Paregoric for years abd it was taken off the American Market . I still am in need as it is the only thing that helps me. Where can I purchase it in Canada

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From what I could gather, The manufacturer "Ranbaxy" of India is the only source for this tincture of opium, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

As another possible solution here in the U.S., there are specialized pharmacists called "compounding pharmacists" who know how to make
things of this nature. If you have such a company in your area, I'd think it would be very simple for them to compound "tincture of opium" by merely diluting ordinary liquid morphine sulfate to the strength of the prepared tincture.

Keep in mind that you'll want to make sure you find legal and legitimate companies that do this as opposed to some sketchy advertisements you might find online. Lee Davis Compounding Pharmacy is a good one to look up, as I know they are legit. I would ask them about the ingredients needed to make it and what the cost could run you.

I hope this info helps!

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Unfortunately, due to recent contact with the FDA Lee Davis Compounding Pharmacy will no longer be able to make Paregoric. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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hI~RE PAREGORIC and its's back on the market...I live in a small town in California, my Dr writes script, and I go to local pharmacy. Thank God I have insurance, but I would purchase it out of pocket just to have peace of mind when I visit...(diarrhea, ibs, SUDDEN NEED TO GO THAT CANNOT BE CONTROLLED!) I hope you have found a Dr?

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What pharmacy in CA should I send a script to? Paregoric has been a staple like ASA in my Home and my family's home while growing up. I am responsible and a retired RN. No addiction problems. I will be 68 next Sunday and I do not appreciate the FDA deciding what Meds I can and cannot have. They need to be discontinued along with the EPA and ACLU. So sick and tired of "Big Brother". If you can send me an address of the pharmacy I am sure my doctor will give a new Rx to me or send it directly to said pharmacy for me. I appreciate ANY help you can give to me.

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I would like the address or phone number of this or any pharmacy that my doctor can write a prescription for paragoric and I can actually get it I have been unable to do anything for over 6 month due to ibs please help

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Please help! I need a pharmacy name & phone number to attempt to get Paragoric! I want my life back. I wasn't meant to live in the bathroom!

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I agree with you. Could you please share with me any information you received (if any) regarding Paregoric's availability? Thank you.

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Paregoric is now available in Maryland. Have you found it in your state? I hope so.

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When I was in my teens having trouble with my stomach my mom would give me Paregoric. Then when I got older in my twenties In the 80's I had to sign to get it OTC. I have always had diarrhea and always going to the bathroom. It has been such a long time since I've had any. I remember how it tasted bad but sure did relieve my stomach pain. Where in GA. Can I get a prescription for Paregoric again? Now that I'm 50 and hurting so long.... It is so embarrassing going to the bathroom all the time. I'm so tired of my stomach hurting!!! Please help and let me know if it's in Georgia. Thank you so much!!!

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Hello. Where can I go in MD for this? I cannot get by abother day with this pain and inability to control my bathroom functions (IBS). Requesting anyone to share with me a good doc in the DMV area. The embarrassment and pain alone currently do not permit me to leave my home. {edited for privacy} please help!

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Please send me the name and address of that pharmacy too. I suffer with I.b.s. For years, thank you

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I have no colon and an ileostomy. I am having the same problem you are having. I have been able to get some Opium Tincture (Paregoric) from some pharmacies that still have some in stock. Yes I know your frustration. It is the only medication that has truly helped me. I have been prescribed codeine acetaminophen and Tylenol.

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Re: geelow (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Please give me name, address and phone number for the pharmacy I’m in Pa. Thank you

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Re: geelow (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Please give me the name, address and phone number of the pharmacy who has Paregoric. Thank you

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Re: Darlene (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Help..I live in PA and I have horrible Bowel issues. I’m house bound from pain.
If you get a pharmacy in PA please let me know. My quality of life is awful.

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