Can Nordette Be A Cause Of Delay? (Top voted first)


Hi, i took nordette 10th of march. I had my period 10 days after that. Then, on the 31st of march i had my period again. I had listed that as my first day on the app im using. According to that app, i should expect my period on the 28th of april based on 28d cycle. Now, i havent had my period yet since 28th. Could nordette be the cause of delay?

5 Replies

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Some Mercury Drug pharmacy chains have recalled nordette.

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Hi, where did you fill your prescription for nordette? Kasi sabi sa mercury bawal na daw un? Thanks sa reply!

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Any news on where to get nordette? Or any equivalent?

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Hi! Watsons still carries Nordette. You don't need a prescription. It's 185, if i recall correctly.

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It is also available in three-sixty pharmacies and they dont require a prescription. It cost 180php

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